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Can't see opening menu

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:55 pm
by jtolb65
When I first launch the game I can see the splash screen with the three bad guys and I can move my mouse around and I hear the clicking sound that happens when you mouse over buttons in the opening menu, but I can't see the actual menu. I can click buttons and it takes me to whatever I clicked on, but I can't play the game like this! I've got a new Geforce 6600. Any ideas?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:57 pm
by Alcina
All that occurs to my mind is the standard advice about closing all other programs, expecially virus and spyware catching ones, which are known to be problems for KOTOR.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:25 am
by mr_sir
and check your drivers. if you have updated them, try rolling the drivers back to the older version in case it is a prob with the new drivers. a geforce 6600 card should be able to handle kotor2 ok - bit puzzled, have you tried reinstalling just in case it is a prob with the original installation? or have you tried changing the settings using the configuration screen before you load the actual game - try turning off any extra features (is a long shot but its all i can think of)

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:22 pm
by Alcina
I'm wondering if the game doesn't like geforce cards? Mine is also a geforce, though a 5700 (still theoretically well within the specs for the game)

Anyone here has a geforce and hasn't had a problem?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:53 pm
by jtolb65
no dice

Tried reinstalling the game...same issue.
Tried downloading the drivers specified in the troubleshooting guide (Forceware 66.93)...that was just plain bad. This driver is over a year old and didn't fix the menu issue I was having and caused all manner of issues in other games I have.
I'm glad I only spent $20 on this game.
I'm angry though because the first game was so amazing and I want to play this bad!
I've got a few weeks off because we're having our second daughter, and I wanted to play this in between bottle washing, and diaper changing, and midnight feedings, etc.
I've contacted the LucasArts troubleshooting, so we'll see what they tell me. I'll post their reply here when I get it.
If anybody has any other ideas, please feel free to let me know. Thanks folks.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:50 pm
by jtolb65
still no dice

I'm getting close to chucking this game out the window...but I really, really want to play it!
So after two emails to Lucas Arts I finally got a reply to update the drivers on my AMD Athlon 64 Dual Core 3800+.

For some reason, this isn't working like updating the drivers on a vid card. I go into the add/remove programs and remove the existing cpu driver there, then restart and ask it to install the driver that I downloaded from the AMD site. I can tell by the dates that the driver I downloaded is newer than the default driver that it loads...but when I try to update it, it tells me that the one that is already there is newer than the one I downloaded.
I'm completely stumped at this point.
I've been lurking around the AMD forums looking for a similar issue, but so far it looks like this is simply Error 99 (user error).

Anybody have the same (or similar) problem?

P.S. After looking at it further, the beginning menu updates for me every 30-45 seconds. So I see the first splash screen, then after a minute, the opening menu pops up...but it's not "animated". The guy and the smoke on that screen are frozen. When I click on one of the buttons it'll go to the next screen in about a half-minute.
Just for sh*ts and giggles, I thought I'd get through the entire set up menu just to see if the game itself would work. The movies work great, but I get the same thing happening with the game that I do with the menu.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:21 am
by mr_sir
what resolution are you playing on? have you tried the lowest possible resolution? the animation on the main menu is a bit slow for me too cos my card is useless, and the game slows down a little when there is smoke around or if i have grass enabled, but otherwise plays fine. put the game on the all the lowest possible settings and with all the extra stuff turned off and see if that works. if it doesn't then i'd be inclined to say that for some reason your pc specs are not compatible with the game at all.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:34 pm
by jtolb65
Thanks for the reply Mr. Sir. I'm running an AMD Athlon Dual Core 3800+ cpu with a Gigabyte K8 Triton mobo and a gig of ram. My vid card is a Geforce 6600.
One of the first things I did was go with all the trimmings as low as possible (800 x 600 resolution, etc.) and it still won't work.
My problem is that I think that if I could get the cpu driver updated I'd be okay, but for some reason I'm just having all sorts of trouble getting that done.
Anybody know a site that has a stupid-proof walkthrough of updating the driver on a cpu?

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:04 pm
by jtolb65
Issue with Dual Core CPUs

So, many of you may or may not know this, but apparently this game has an issue running on dual core processors. This is regardless of whether you set it to run on only one core or not.
I've emailed LucasArts Tech Support yet again about this, since their last reply (to update cpu drivers) met with abject failure. I haven't heard back from them. I was bumming around the AMD message boards and some enterprising young hackers blended some lines of code from older drivers into the newer drivers (or vice versa) and it works fine for them with their dual core processors. Unfortunately, I am not that computer saavy and would do MUCH more harm than good if I tried something like that.
Does anybody have a dual core processor that is having this issue?