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Couldn't find Shashev...

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Couldn't find Shashev...

Post by Soulforged »

Ok I'm using a lot of mods so I'll not list them all here, but between them there's Morrowind Comes Alive (the latest version) and NPC Schedules (the latest version). So when I enter the Ald Skar Inn, Shashev is not there. Knowing how this mods act, specially the second one, I start looking all around Ald-ruhn, in every corner, but he's nowhere. I tried deactivating this mods, but nothing happened, Shashev is still not there (so I concluded that this mods had nothing to do with this problem). Tried to find him at different hours, nothing at all. So if anyone had the same problem please could you tell me how can I solve it? Also if there's a console command to find the cell in wich an NPC is currently located it will be much apreciated.

Note: I never even interacted with him before I spoke with Sirolonwe, and of course I didn't kill him.
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Post by fable »

You might have to use the Placeat PC command, but to do that, you'll need to open the editor and find exactly how he's referred to in the database.
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Post by Greg. »

[QUOTE=fable]You might have to use the Placeat PC command, but to do that, you'll need to open the editor and find exactly how he's referred to in the database.[/QUOTE]

It's "placeatpc" IIRC
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Post by Ashen »

I think it should be - PlaceATPC shashev 1,1,1
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=GregtheSleeper]It's "placeatpc" IIRC[/QUOTE]

Yet as the other thread we both commented in showed, Placeat pc worked for that player, while Placeatpc didn't.

Mind, I used Placeatpc, and it worked. But I figure, go with what works, regardless.
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Post by Greg. »

[QUOTE=fable]Yet as the other thread we both commented in showed, Placeat pc worked for that player, while Placeatpc didn't.

Mind, I used Placeatpc, and it worked. But I figure, go with what works, regardless.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=ArtinSD]Thanks for the tips... However they exact spelling is

placeatpc "Baladas Demnevanni" 1,1,1, ( no space for the pc) it's all together[/QUOTE]

[url=""]Found here...[/url]
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Post by fable »

Missed that last post. Hmph, well, if you're going to be accurate... :p ;) :D
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