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Noob Question about purchasing Rune Stones

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:25 pm
by Paden
Hi all,

New to the game and I have a question about purchasing rune stones. I am running version 1.4 btw.

Here is the question. When I purchase spells I am able to select up to a quantity of 10 to purchase. However, when I want to but rune stones of Celestrial spells I can only purchase them one at a time.

Is this a bug? Do I have a bad install? Or is this the way the game is suppose to work?

Thanks for the help!


Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:41 pm
by ferncliff
That is the way it works.
Unless this is changed with 1.4 you do not want to buy more then one rune spell of a type. You want to buy one spell and the stones to charge it, more stones = more charges of a spell. The spells are uncharged when you buy them. Before 1.4 if you bought more then one of a rune spell it just disappeared in your inventory and your money disappeared with it. This may still be the case with 1.4. D

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:54 am
by Subzero
you can not buy rune stones like over items you can buy just one in time ;)