Throwing "all" weapons
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:13 pm
i just took my gamely trip to go kill off the drakes near arindale and this time round i didn't have magic weaponry so i had to rely on that freezing touch, but when i ran out, i started using mu winter shuriken. i had to change back from the shuriken to my sword fast just to get a strike in cause the drakes don't stay frozen that long. one time i did it i noticed i through my emeraled greatsword. it was weird then i had nos sword in my hads(visualy) but it was still there. i later on tried doing it again, switching back really fast and it works, i threw spears, axes, swords, and hammers. it doesn't do damage but its coool to see your main weapon go flying away, must be some sorts of glitch, but a fun one.
anyones else experienced this?
anyones else experienced this?