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Possible bug with mandrake root substitute?

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:28 pm
by Masokissed
I'm having a problem with finding the weaker mandrake root that Mandal was supposed to have thrown into the wyvern nest in the second level of Dragon's Eye.

I'm almost positive that I did everything I'm supposed to do...I found Mandal's body, told Nheero about it, returned Mandal's sword to him, and then watched the cutscene where Mandal shows me where he threw the root. The problem is this: when I go back to the wyvern nest to get it, (I had already defeated the ancient wyvern earlier) there's nothing there. It's not under the rock where I looted some stuff when I first killed the wyvern. There's nothing on the floor. I even had my rogue search for it, and nothing showed up.

Is this a bug? Should I just try to re-load from an earlier save? Or did I miss something?

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:48 pm
by Sparrow
If you've watched the cutscene of Mandal throwing the root, then it should definitely be there. It should be on the floor, south end, in the spot where the wyvern was. Use the highlight key (tab or alt) to see it.

If it's not there, then this could be a bug. You could reload; or, as a last resort, you could cheat it in. The code for the modified mandrake root is 61GENMM.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:54 pm
by Masokissed
Thanks for replying. The highlight key doesn't reveal anything for me either, it's simply not there. I re-loaded from an earlier save and tried again, same problem. Now I'm not rerally sure if I'm entering it correctly, but I tried using that cheat and it just told me "Nice try cheater!"

...Great. What do I do now? :(

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:19 pm
by Sparrow
Ok, in your IWD2 directory, find the configuration program. On I think the second tab, you will see a check box: enable cheat console. Check that box.

Just to be sure:
press ctrl+tab, then type ctrlaltdelete:createitem("code",1)

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:17 am
by Masokissed
Well that explains it, I was just typing in part of the code. Duh. Thanks so much, it worked. :)