bowestone north access problem
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:31 am
first of all i must state that i just started the game and finished maybe around 5 or 7 quests outside the guild (just got to oaksvale). since i left the guild i can't go to the bowerstone north - i've visited the bowerstone south, yet whenever i get to the stairs leading to bowerstone north a gaurd comes and says i can't go in... i'm really very close to killing him ;-) and as i'm playing a pure evil char (or at least planning to be) iwonder if i can do that and if that will able me to go there. or maybe i need something either more reputation/attractiveness/scariness or a quest to do...
thanx in advance for any help/idea of what to do to get to the northern part of the city...
thanx in advance for any help/idea of what to do to get to the northern part of the city...