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Irynthabl Sanctum bug

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:05 pm
by PaulTheWall
i don't what is going on but when i enter the Irynthabl Sanctum to battle the witch, lord barrowgrim doesn't disappear, he stays around. even after i kill the witch he is still there and i can't hit him, he has like infinity parry. and lady ellowin says that i am to late or something and that i fail the alliance.

PLEASE HELP!!! i didn't what to play the whole game and not be able to finish it.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:25 pm
by swcarter
Ikrella should drop a soul sphere when she dies. Did you try dropping it into the fire, and then talking to Ellowyn? I've seen Barrowgrim not disappear before, but everything else in the sequence worked correctly.