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Question about diabolic skills

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:10 pm
by Damn Snakes!
I am deciding between trying shadow lord or Hatamoto - I am a samauri and a Battlemage with third teir open - my samauri has inflict wounds - cool skill - and one part of the class section of the walkthrough says Hatamoto gets 'critical strike' (which didn't work when I was a shaolai master (v1.3)) but then under diabolic skill list - it isn't listed as a hatamoto skill ... well, I don't want to go for hatamoto and then find out that I don't get critical strike... so, anyone with experience in CE - will my character get inflict wounds and critical strike as a hatamoto? or not... thanks in advance!

ps the rogue wylvans an rogue urgoths are really cool!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:38 pm
by Frodo1
I can't answer the main part of your question, but I did use a weapon with a critical strike bonus and it does work in 1.4/1.5. You see a message every time it kicks in.

I checked the new manual and it says that Crit strike is included for Hamamoto's. This is DL though...

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:11 am
by swcarter
The class page was right and the skills page was wrong. I corrected the skills page.


Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:21 pm
by kidc
Yes, you get critical strike with Hatamoto. It's pretty awesome too. i got my character up around 10 in critical strike and it does what it says, one hit and they are toast. it even says critical when the critical strike happens.