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Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2000 8:56 am
by drakkhul
i go to check on my ranger cabin...and the place has been padlocked and the contents is up with that? anyways, anyone know how to get my cabin back (really missing the place to stash extra shit like keys an the like)? last ranger thing i did was to kill the noble choppin the trees *sigh* nothing new happened yet. oh for other people who might be kill-crazy, don't get busted robbing lathander's temple..the helm guy gives you another quest to go talk to the person in there, and i already killed him cause he attacked me while i was trying to loot the place Image please tell me there's a way to get my cabin back... maybe my reputation is too high...hope that's not why

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2000 9:12 am
by Lucian
it was because you killed the should have volunteered to find the treasure he was looking for..therefore the people of umar got pissed at you...its not possible to get the cabin back...a ranger has to be a good guy...tough luck, but you are screwed

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2000 7:32 pm
by Thornhill
Ha ha!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2000 12:57 am
by drakkhul
thanks heheh guess i suck even with my rep of like almost 20 or better gonna restart and go fighter so i can get the d'arnise keep or something plus i have to get the temple of lathander quest (again) before i kill them defending myself trying to rob them blind :P


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2001 4:18 pm
by Festivus
Just ran into this problem. The frekin game is so huge I can't remember what the fark I did that pissed the mayor off and got my cabin repo'ed. Son of bastard!! I had a lot of good stuff in there. I'm tempted to go on a killing spree. I'll find the bastard repo-man that took my stash!!!

Oh well, it's not the first nor the last time I did something stupid. Oh damn it to hell, now I have to use the keeper editor.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2001 3:34 pm
by fable
The game rewards a certain degree of "good-aligned" roleplaying. it also tracks your decisions in the Journal, and I read that thing religiously, since (as you've said) there was so much to track.