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humble npc help

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:12 am
by vitosqueo
im not the greatest with these kind of things i was wondering if anyone could help me on how to do the humble patch. i cant seem to find the file i need and how do you find the toee game folder?

Unzip anywhere (unzipping it to ToEE game folder will make it easier to locate temple.dll though).
Run humble_npcs.exe click "Patch", locate and select temple.dll (if you put humble_npcs.exe in game dir you should see temple.dll right away), select it and push "Open". If everything went ok, you'll get messagebox saying - "Patch successful!".

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:18 am
by Allyx
I strongly recomend you try out the Co8 4.0.0 patch, the frontend has a checkbox for humble NPC's. You'll need Microsoft.NET to make the front end work - you can get that [url=""]here.[/url]
The Co8-4.0.0 patch is available from [url=""]this thread[/url].

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 9:13 pm
by Lord Plothos
I was running patch 2 and when I added the Humble NPC Patch. You just run it and select the destination (where the file to modified, "temple.dll" is located) and it runs itself from then on. All it does is modify that file in a few very specific ways. What that means is if you apply a patch that replaces this file with one of its own, you'll have to apply the patch again, but as far as I know it doesn't ruin or conflict with any other mods, so you can just run it to modify whatever file you've got there, and it should work.