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I screwed up the duergar quests!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:36 am
by gdub9000
I killed all the monsters before I talked to the dang dwarves, and like an idiot, i didn't save before I started in to pit. Is there a trick to recieve the quest items and xp? Or am I gonna have to through chapter 3 ALL OVER AGAIN???
Please advise.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:21 pm
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=gdub9000]I killed all the monsters before I talked to the dang dwarves, and like an idiot, i didn't save before I started in to pit. Is there a trick to recieve the quest items and xp? Or am I gonna have to through chapter 3 ALL OVER AGAIN???
Please advise.[/QUOTE]

...use Dalekeeper to add items and EXP or restart chapter 3!


Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:43 am
by gdub9000

Ok, who, or what is the Dalekeeper? Please excuse my ignorance.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:59 am
by Raedwulf
Dalekeeper is a small tool to edit Icewind Dale saved games. See the top message in the sticky post "Please read before posting" for the link.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:31 pm
by gdub9000
aaaah! thanks yo!

One problem with that solution, my home pc is not connected to web! I'm a po boy. I guess I could take my hard drive to my friends and hook it on her pc, and BAM!
Thanks again. :D

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:31 pm
by mr_sir
dale keeper is not very big so you could just copy it onto a cd and then transfer it to your pc

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:09 am
by silverdragon72

...exactly 262KB - so even a normal disk will do it...

btw. here is the direct link to download the latest version:


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:22 am
by kmonster
You didn't miss much, just play on.
Missed XP doesn't matter on the long run because of the dynamic XP calculation anyway.

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:02 pm
by gdub9000
Thanks for the help nice people!

I restarted chapter 3, and after about 3 or 4 hours, I decided to just keep going in chapter four. I have pretty decent equipment, and it would take FOREVER to get back to this point from chapter 3. By the way, what would happen if I picked a fight with the duergars? Would my party be totally wiped out? I would imagine they're really tough.
But at the moment I'm stuck in Chamber 8, that's proving to be very tough.
I killed one of those schmucks, but died almost immediately after.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:25 am
by kmonster
The duergar are pretty easy to defeat.
If you kill them before entering the monk tomb the outcome is better than if you don't.
But I don't know what will happen if you kill the monks for the duergar.

About chamber 8: My buffed up druid did it for me on the 2nd attempt.
Killing the duergar might give enough XP to level up and make your characters stronger.
You can of course start killing monks instead if you don't see a way to beat the chambers.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 9:51 am
by gdub9000

Well, I've been thinkin'. My party are all basically good aligned, and my paladin
and cleric are lawful good. And attacking the dwarves and monks might not be kosher. What do you think? :confused:

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:59 am
by kmonster
The duergar seem to be evil slavers, so killing them won't really that bad.
A stereotype paladin would have killed the duergar outright on the spot without much talking.
You can have your not-so-lawful rogue steal something from them to initiate combat if you can't roleplay sneaky attacks.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:32 am
by gdub9000
Excellent news!!

Thanks, I'm gonna complete their quests, milk 'em for as much magic items as possible. Then I'll provoke them to attack , hopefully I can bottleneck them in the entrance. Wait, they have archers, so I'll try to lead them outside the entrance.Ok, now what about the monks they want me to kill, are they drow?
I should know this. But, anyway can I attack them without penalty?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:34 pm
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=gdub9000]Thanks, I'm gonna complete their quests, milk 'em for as much magic items as possible. Then I'll provoke them to attack , hopefully I can bottleneck them in the entrance. Wait, they have archers, so I'll try to lead them outside the entrance.Ok, now what about the monks they want me to kill, are they drow?
I should know this. But, anyway can I attack them without penalty?[/QUOTE]

...the monks are "good" or at least neutral so you shouldn't kill them with a good party from a roleplaying point of view...

...but on the other hand you get some good items (you won't get if you just kill the duergars) for killing the monks... max items and experience:

1st: go for the 8 chambers and make all monk quests / buy all items you want from the monks (but you won't get your money back if you kill them)

2nd: kill the monks - but you they don't drop anything usefull - even not the merchants!

3rd: get the items and exp from the duergars for killing the monks

4th: kill the duergars and you will get some more good items!


Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 12:08 pm
by gdub9000

I completed all the duergar quests, picked a fight and totally spanked 'em!
Got some decent loot. Got through the 8 chambers o' death, (used my mage on the last chamber, summoned shade 2 times, and monster twice, made it through without a scratch!)
Now I'm totally gettin my arse handed to me in the Underdark!
Thanks for all the help peeps!