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Patched version blows up
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 8:06 am
by rmholroyd
I've applied the second patch and CO8 patch, but with a saved game whenever I right click on a character or try to use the map, it blows up and returns to the o/s (XP SP-2). I've gotten thru most of the game by now, but am stuck here.
I was getting some error logs on previous blowups but didn't with this one.
I'm also a little doubtful about where to put the other files in the patch... the .txt, .mes, .py etc. I put them in the data folder, and in the folder where temple.dll resides as well. But the data folder doesn't normally have anything in it, just folders under it called Art, Movies, Sound.
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:11 am
by Lord Plothos
If you're using the latest co8 patch, you won't need, because it's included. Especially if you have their front-end program, you can decide whether or not to run; but if that's the version of co8 that you have, you need to run front end for it to really do anything, I think.
But when installing you get a folder in the .zip labeled "data" and inside are three folders. You'll want to transfer those three folders into your game's data folder. That is, when you're done, your data folder should have 6 folders inside of it. This is important, because that's where the new "temple.dll" file goes looking for some of the rules it's trying to implement.
I'm not sure if that's your problem, though. Sometimes CTD can happen with ToEE because of save corruption. Sometimes it's due to conflicting patches being applied one on top of another. (E.G. when you run and a co8 that attempts to include as well.) Hard to say what's going on with you without more info, though.
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:51 pm
by rmholroyd
I had applied all three patches and not the C08 patch when the save file was created.
I've now noticed that I should have used the winzip option for using folder names. That put things in the right place, and I see the new folders.
It could be that at least some of the save files are corrupted but I'll try each one and see if I can continue somehow. If not, starting over with a new party is something I'd have done anyway...
Thanks again for the help.
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:00 pm
by Lord Plothos
Yeah, in general, if you apply a new patch or mod, you're asking for trouble if you try to play with old saves. If you change the setup of the game, you should probably start a new game. Proceed at your own risk.