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East Empire Help

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:34 pm
by Carl Jung
Possible Spoiler
I was attepting to start the east empire quest. After I spoke to Captain M something, I went out to talk to the minors and they started attacking me. They wont stop either. As soon I as walk out. They are like "ENwah" and crap. I have a strong calm humanoid spell call vicodin and it doenst work, no passive spell does. Burden or blind didnt either. I tried sneaking up on them with camelion stuff on. Nope they saw me. I did however manage to jump at the main guy and seen his name, I hit A (im playing on the xbox) to talk to him and it worked. I hit ready to go. But after i started walking he started punching me again. SO I thought well I activated the spell maybe if he follows me to raven rock on the ship then it will work. Nope. As soon as I walk away the other two star fighting him. They would have eventually killed him, which as you know ends the quest. How is that for a stumper! :confused:
Things you should know; I do have the werewolf ring, I have killed guards in the fort, But I am certain everytime I changed, I have done it in the forts curtain with noone around. I even made sure to put all my cloths back before I go back out. Am I screwed? Am I going to start from a new save point? Or is there a reason Why these minors dont like me? PLease anyone Help. :(

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:51 am
by Coot
Did you check your reputation and bounty?

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 5:36 am
by Greg.
Don't you get the quest from Carnius at the Imperial cult shrine?

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:22 pm
by Magelord648
Yes you do, I read the walkthrough a few days ago while I was bored. There are two quest givers and none of them are captain M something. I don't know why they attack you though. Coot may be right about the bounty thing.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 4:57 am
by Greg.
Mass effect calm humanoid could do it... Would cost a lot of magicka...

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:19 am
by Coot
[QUOTE=GregtheSleeper]Mass effect calm humanoid could do it... Would cost a lot of magicka...[/QUOTE]Small spoiler:

The three men you have to escort to Raven Rock are npc's who you'll have to talk to later in related quests. Wouldn't they just attack CJ's pc again when the spell wears off?
There has to be a reason why he's being attacked and my guess is it has to do with him attacking guards as a werewoof.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:28 am
by Greg.
Unless the scripts change... They sometimes do...

I remember when I was having the factor's estate built, the foreman hit me. Used calm humanoid on him. Came back when it was built and he didn't attack me...

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:45 am
by Coot
Huh! It just dawned on me that I never use any 'calm xxx' spells at all while they would very much suit my non-confrontational (that's not a word, is it?) pc.
Anyway, I'm afraid CJ would just run into trouble later, either through a bug or because of something he did. I'm also curious about wheither he can go through the right dialogue with these npc's after he's calmed them down - meaning, would they follow him to Raven Rock or not.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:46 am
by Magelord648
Maybe you should get them to chase you to raven rock. On things like these when you get to where you need to lead the NPC dialoge automaticly pops up. If it doesn't use calm human then talk.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:29 pm
by Carl Jung
I dont have a bounty. My reputation is at 14. The guy who gave the quest was Carnius Magius. I thought it was Captain Magius. I have tried the calm humanoid thing. It doesnt work, blind and burden doesnt work either. They have seen me kill a guard as a werewolf. Im pretty positive on that, but they didnt see me change. None of the other guards attack me on site now. This is really bugging me. (I want the Estate!) Thanks for you help. I will try making them run after me to raven rock. Then jumping and talking to them. Hopefully it will work. Any more help would be appreciated. Thanks again.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:28 pm
by Carl Jung
Megalord you were right. I did get them to chase me, however the quest just didnt stop. I had to jump and then activate or hit a on the main minor to get him to talk. Now I am on the Ship quest. The problem now is the minors are still pissed. I tried todo the jump talk thing on the One the G guy (I cant remember his name) IT didnt work. I will continue to try. SO I went on the the ship, I killed the drueg, I went to the deck and the freaking door was missing. I could see right through it to the water. Is is like that because I havent spoken to the minor to start the quest officially. Or could it be that my guy is somewhat hacked with the soultrap spell stuff. OR is it a technical problem, and i am just screwed. The way it looks I am never going to get the estate. That sucks I like decorating them. Its a little vice I have. Help Please.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:54 pm
by Carl Jung
Ok I went and loaded a saved game I had called Teen. I made it befroe I did the last bloodmoon quest. I went and checked if they attacked me. They didnt. It has to be that I killed someone in front of them as a werewolf. But I know as a fact that they didnt see me change. So this information should be passed on. DONT KILL ANYONE INFRONT OF THE EASTEMPIRE MINORS. It sucks. Now my question to you all is it worth it. Is the estate worth going back and beating it again. Plus all the other side things I did. The stuff I made. Is the estate cool or is it lame?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:17 am
by Coot
I wouldn't call it an estate, just a nice house.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:12 pm
by DevilsCowboy
East Empire

The first few times I played the East Empire quest, I thought it was fun and everything, but there is really now major advantage to doing it, it's fun and it helps your reputation, that's about it. Now whenever I play the game I pretty much skip the East empire quest.....I will say this though....One of the biggest advantages of the East Empire quest is the ability to get free Ice Armor and weapons, which is nice, but still not necassarily worth it.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:16 pm
by Magelord648
[QUOTE=Carl Jung]Megalord you were right. I did get them to chase me, however the quest just didnt stop. I had to jump and then activate or hit a on the main minor to get him to talk. Now I am on the Ship quest. The problem now is the minors are still pissed. I tried todo the jump talk thing on the One the G guy (I cant remember his name) IT didnt work. I will continue to try. SO I went on the the ship, I killed the drueg, I went to the deck and the freaking door was missing. I could see right through it to the water. Is is like that because I havent spoken to the minor to start the quest officially. Or could it be that my guy is somewhat hacked with the soultrap spell stuff. OR is it a technical problem, and i am just screwed. The way it looks I am never going to get the estate. That sucks I like decorating them. Its a little vice I have. Help Please.[/QUOTE]
Glad I could help:angel: