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BG series is cool n all...but....

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2000 4:04 am
by Azaroth
How about some DragonLance in the future eh?

Seriously, the half elf's in BG series lack the mystique if you compare to the elves and half elves in the realm of Absalon. One of the main heroes in the DragonLance Chronicles is half Elf (tanis) , and man, it would be cool if i could play with a Solamnic Knight instead of a paladin.

Both the Wizards , Elves and Dwarves got a better background story in DL series, if you think about Kith kanan and the Elven nation wars (Silvanesti & Qualinesti) or the Hill Dwarves vs Mountain Dwarves wars.

And there is a natural enemy in DL, the Draconians, its a great material for a possible background story if they decide to create a game in the DL enviroment.

I say that they should kick the wimpy halflings out, in with the kenders, and get us a DragonLance game!

I Dont know if a company own the license for DL, i know that SSI created some cool adventures , the trilogy Krynn series, but that was like 15 years ago. A DL game with the current BG2 engine would be awesome!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2000 6:36 am
by Omar
Well,it sounds good;but personally I would prefer a Black Isle game RPG set in Tolkien's
Middle-Earth. His masterwork just deserves a good game. It would be something different what with all those crap card- and boardgames.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2000 6:51 am
by Maurice
There has been a *crappy* game based on Tolkien's master piece, which only covered the first two parts ... It ended where Frodo ended Mordor, and the others ended up defending Helm's Deep (not sure if they really ended there though). I believe the final part was never released.

Lets just hope they wil make something *better*, now that the movie is coming, too.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2000 9:21 am
by Azaroth
there was a strategy game , War in middle earth, too, pretty cool old Amiga game.

But Lord of the rings wont be licensed to Black Isle, but DragonLance should be available, lets pray Image

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2000 10:06 am
by trecool
I love the DragonLance Chronicles!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2000 11:45 am
by Thomas
I remember reading that there was a very large discussion about wich game world Interplay would purchase from wizards of the coast (whose copyright on a collective effort of imagination is hard to understand really).

But they ended up chosing Faerun for the reason that it was both the gameworld they themselves were the best aquinted with (and had a lot of good roleplaying memories with I would guess) and because it is the most wellknown and famous AD&D gameworld. They DID take a risk when they developed Baldur's Gate, the market for nononline RPGs was close to dead at the time, and so they had to take the "right" decisions in order to maximise both income and reputation. Had BG flopped it would have been a very large dent in Interplays economy.

Dragonlance is a very interesting gameworld though I doubt that WoTC are ready to sell of another part of their merchandise without taking a hefty bite out of any profits earned, considering the example set by BG nowadays. One can but hope. I would love to see Athas converted into Infinity engine format. I have a lot of good sentimental reasons for wanting to see the endless dunes of the scorched land stretch before me once again. ;-)

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2000 3:58 pm
by Azaroth
Wizards of the Coast are real cheapskates, seriously, i bet there are plenty of people who started to buy their books AFTER they played BG series, i know i did. The publicity they would get would be enormous.

And imo, a DragonLance game would be far better than a forgotten Realms rpg, the wizard backgrounds, the cataclysm, the races, everything is better detailed than Forgotten realms....Weis and Hickman kept it pretty strict about what authors can write novels for DL series, while Ed greenwood and WotC let practically everyone have a pice of the cake of Forgotten realms. Look at Salvatore's books now, its more a romantic faery tale, he really destroyed Drizzt image of a " good but still vengeful drow", and when he revived Wulfgar.......damn, that really trashed the wonderful Darl elf and Icewind dale trilogies.

Imagine, Bg2's engine , mixed with good and evil dragons, a horde of draconians, and on top of that, a undead powerful Solamninan black knight (soth)....awww man, i get the shivers now lol.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2000 6:13 am
by Daemion
Sure Dragonlance is better than the Forgotten Realms setting. Only compare the wizards: Elmister vs. Raistlin.
I rest my case.