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i have glitches

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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i have glitches

Post by sgued »

Often times when there's a lot of things happening on the screen while I'm playing my game, everything becomes choppy. My computer is a 1000MGz, 128RAM, and Radion graphics card. Although, I'm using Windows Me so perhaps that's the problem. Supposedly I have 94% free RAM before starting the game and I've played around with the graphics settings, yet nothing seems to have worked. Anyone have some suggestions? Thanks a bunch.
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Post by Hex92 »

I have similar problems. I have had some luck dealing with slow downs by turning off Environmental Audio (under the sound tab in the game). I don't know why but it helps. My computer is a 900 Mhz Athlon, 32MB video, etc. . I don't understand why either of us would ever have to worry about the game slowing down with machines this fast. But it happens Image

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Post by Thomas »

Actually your machines are too fast for the game. It's a bit wierd a statement perhaps but I know a lot of people who have complained about this now. Seems the developers did not take into acount the amount of computer power that would be available when the game was released.

Removing the enviromental audio seems indeed to help almost everyone regardless of computer strength. Must be a buggy part of the game methinks.

As to why fast machines don't like BG2 I have no idea. Try turning on all the effects in the game and then turn them of one by one. There must be something that gets out of sync with the rest of the engine if your games become glitchy. I would guess that the sound is blame though, since it's where I had my part of the problems.
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