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Bounty on my head. (can be spoiler!)

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:17 am
by badboyd22
I joined the thieves Guild and got to the part where i must kill a night elve in the prison.. unfortunatly i had to kill 1 guard on the way, i just ran into him..
so now i got a bounty on my head.. i know that in Morrowind you could talk to serveral peeps that can make your bounty disappear.. are there any peeps like this in Oblivion or am i marked for my life now?

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:55 am
by Lacarion
When you have a bounty there's a few ways to get rid of it. First get caught by a guard and A: serve a prison sentence B: Pay the bounty off. Unfortunately with both of these options, your stolen items will be taken away. the good thing is that both are much less harsh than in Morrowind. When you serve your sentence the skill loss is much less, and it's relatively easy to get your stuff back. However because you're in the Thieves Guild the pay off bounty is much easier on you. To pay the bounty to the thieves guild find either a fence or an Doyen (the person who gives you missions) and select the option to pay off the bounty. To make it easier there's a fence in Bruma called Ongar the world weary.

Now if you get caught by the city guard and want you items back; go back into the station and ask the warden to see a prisoner. They'll walk off and usally the evidence chest is right by their desk; so you can take this moment to grab all of your confiscated items.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:46 am
by badboyd22
i think i messed up a bit, thief guild isnt the darkbrotherhood.. isnt? cause i joined the darkbrotherhood.. thought it was the thiefs guild.. srry :(

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:54 am
by Adgeryth
Ya and in the thieves guild you cant kill anyone near a mission point or you have to pay something like a bloodlife or something 1000 gold its huge so dont mess up when your in the thieves guild :eek:

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:15 am
by fable
Post deleted. There's no reason ask new version of the same question that has already been thoroughly answered in this thread.