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Benirus Manor - Haunted Quest? *spoiler
Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:59 am
by Svancara
greetz all!
I recently bought this nice looking manor for a mere 'bargain', only to find out it's haunted! Ghosts attacked me during my sleep, then my quest line told me I heard a crash downstairs and should investigate, now I searched my entire house but didn't find anything that further triggers my quest giver...I also checked the basement and found a weird looking closed portal there, but this didn't trigger anything also...anyone any ideas?
thank you
Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 2:40 pm
by Lacarion
Well the house is a bargain once you get the ghosts out of it
To get the ghosts out after sleeping in there, you have to go downstairs from where you were sleeping and look in the room with the front door. There should be a glowing green pot on the floor, around it should be a journal and a skeletal hand, pick both up.
for the rest of the quest look below
You're journal should update saying you have to find the person who sold you the house in the imperial city, fast travel there. Talk to them (might require a disposition check) and get them to travel back to anvil, getting them to travel back requires the journal. Enter the manor and make your way to the basement, once the basement is free of ghosts the former owner will open the seal, after the seal is open they'll run off. There's the original owner sitting on an altar, activate the altar to hear how they've repented their fate and what not. If you put the hand back he'll rise and attack you with the normal mage attacks, summonings, fireballs, etc. after beating him find the former owner in Anvil and talk to them. Quest complete.
Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 1:14 pm
by UncleScratchy
Glitch, Bug or Am I Missing Something? (Spoiler)
You're journal should update saying you have to find the person who sold you the house in the imperial city, fast travel there. Talk to them (might require a disposition check) and get them to travel back to anvil, getting them to travel back requires the journal. Enter the manor and make your way to the basement, once the basement is free of ghosts the former owner will open the seal, after the seal is open they'll run off. There's the original owner sitting on an altar, activate the altar to hear how they've repented their fate and what not. If you put the hand back he'll rise and attack you with the normal mage attacks, summonings, fireballs, etc. after beating him find the former owner in Anvil and talk to them. Quest complete.[/QUOTE]
Bought the house, slept in it, killed the ghosts, found the skeletal hand and note, more ghosts appeared, killed them, quest journal updated, tracked down the guy who fled to Imp. City, 100% favorable disposition, and still all I get is a response that say its my problem. Can't get him to come back to Anvil with me. Is this a bug or am I missing something here?
Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 1:59 pm
by DonMonk
Do you have the hand and the note on you while talking to him?
Had the same happen to me, and that was the reason.
Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 2:00 pm
by Pillage
You need the diary page with you.
It took me forever to figure that out.
Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:12 pm
by UncleScratchy
[QUOTE=DonMonk]Do you have the hand and the note on you while talking to him?
Had the same happen to me, and that was the reason.[/QUOTE]
On a hunch I went back to the house and checked the broken pot again. Sure enough, I had picked up the hand but not the note. Its easy to read the note on the floor and not select "take". Once I had the note I was able to convince the guy to return to Anvil with me. Nice house but I have little need of another one. At least the price was right and I got in lots of good blade practice on the ghosts.
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:30 pm
by squee07
Removing Ghosts
I completed the mission involving this, but now I have 3 ghost 'puddles' in my manor bedroom.
How do I get rid of them, besides calling Ghostbusters?
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 12:02 pm
by nevaziah
iHAHA, i think after a few days, bodies dissapear. In some dungeons i visited, bodies are already gone...
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:52 pm
by Cyrinn
squee07 wrote:I completed the mission involving this, but now I have 3 ghost 'puddles' in my manor bedroom.
How do I get rid of them, besides calling Ghostbusters?
As I recall, the "puddles" in my game disappeared after a day or so.
If, for some reason they don't, there might be a a way to remove them through the console.
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:44 pm
by biggmacklyonz
I got to the part of him touching the glyph and he stutters and starts over, let the game sit for 3 HOURS and he was still touching the glyph.. what do i do?
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:55 pm
by dragon wench
biggmacklyonz wrote:I got to the part of him touching the glyph and he stutters and starts over, let the game sit for 3 HOURS and he was still touching the glyph.. what do i do?
I had that happen to me, I just tried talking to him and he got on with things. Maybe see if that works?
If not, assuming you are on PC, there is a probably a journal entry you can plop into the console in order to advance the quest.
You could also try leaving the house and re-entering the basement, that might work as well.
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:28 pm
by LeoStarDragon1
The Console Command Is.....
Cyrinn wrote:As I recall, the "puddles" in my game disappeared after a day or so.
If, for some reason they don't, there might be a a way to remove them through the console.
With the Console activated via the ~ key, click on the object that you desire to vanish into thin air. Then simply enter the command, "Disable". You have to be careful while doing this, or you could remove the wall, a floor, or anything else, by mistake! If you make such an error though, hopefullly you didn't clear the Console before you closed it! If you made the error and you didn't clear, simply enter the command, "Enable" to bring it back. Then try again and be sure that you are clicked on the right item. To clear the Console, means to click until there is nothing targeted.
There, I hope that helps! "Disable" is how I remove unwanted bodies and such too.