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Who is Quill-Weave? (SPOILERS)
Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:40 am
by fable
I was out trying to find the nirnweed for Sinderion, and came upon a copse he'd suggested as a place to look. Suddenly, a mesage appeared at the top of my screen: "Quill-Weave is unconscious." That was all. I didn't know any Quill-Weave, I'd never encountered any Quill-Weave, and there was no mention anywhere in my quest notes about such a person.
Has this happened to anybody else? And in any case, who the hell *is* Quill-Weave?
Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:54 am
by Fer'or
Quill Weave is a woman who's part of the first fighter's guild quest (where you have to kill rats). I don't recall the name of the town though.
Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:57 am
by fable
Well, that's odd. My current PC did join the fighter's guild, and was told to visit one of two people attached to different guilds. He then went elsewhere, and no quest was given to kill rats. Looks like a variable got set that shouldn't have been. Thanks.
EDIT: Anvil's, probably. I was just at the other, and it involved delivering weapons and killing goblins.
Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:01 am
by blueray
no, you don't get to kill rats, but you have to kill the things killing the rats. Quill is a lizard lady, usually hang around the tavern next to the house where the house with rats are located. Quill's house is on the other side of the tavern.
Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:50 am
by fable
Thanks, but guys, please don't take this any further. I only wanted to know who Quill-Weave was, and why I got this bizarre message on my screen. I'm not interested in having the quest itself spoiled for me.
Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:08 pm
by TigrisJK
She probably got her butt kicked by someone or something. If an unkillable quest character (I didn't know Quill-Weave was one, haha) 'dies' they go unconscious and a message appears. I found this out when I got bored, hacked up my character, and went on a killing spree about town.
The game isn't so persistant with keeping up with your actions at that point. =D But I killed a bunch of people only to have them come back at me. Brother Martin being one of them... as I had him tailing me and he wasn't all too happy at my indiscriminate slaughter. =D