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Trouble with Mage Guild Quests, *SPOILERS*

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:14 pm
by Pewkitty
I'm strangely having some problems with two of the Recommendation quest. I've even consulted the guide and I've followed everything along, but for some reason two of the quest aren't cooperating.

First off, I cannot get the quest in Bravil to activate. I talk to Kud-Ei and apparently she is supose to give me some scrolls. Nothing happens when I do talk to her. She tells me to speak to Varon Vamori, I do, using persuasion, yet because there's no actual quest activated, nothing happens. Is there any specific thing that is needed for the quest; such as my skills having to be a certain level? I tried starting over repeadily and nothing seems to get the quest activated.

The second quest is the Leyawiin quest. I get Dagail's amulet but when I return to her she still says the voices are around and doesn't take the amulet.

Another guild I'm having trouble with is the thieves guild. I cannot get Christophe to activate any quests even after I do the first of the fencing. No kind of quest text pops up for me. It tells me to talk to him, but he doesn't do anything.

I'm obviously missing something for the quests but the guide gives me no further answers. For some reason these quest are giving me problems. The other Recommendation quest worked fine with no trouble. So.. hopefully I can find out if I'm doing the steps wrong or if anyone else is experiencing the same troubles.
I consulted several forums but I've yet to find any answers, so I'm posting to see if I can get any feedback or ideas of what may be happening. It's just disapointing that I can't do anything in the guilds I really wanted to be apart of.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:55 pm
by Athena
Welcome to gamebanshee. You're not expelled from the mages guild are you? Maybe if you have an earlier save you can redo the whole quest from scratch.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:10 pm
by Pewkitty
No, I havn't been expelled or anything. Kud-Ei just tells me I need to talk to Varon Vamori but without a quest activated nothing happens with him. He admits his love for Ardaline but that's it. If I keep asking about Recommendation from Kud-Ei she keeps saying the same thing over again, asking me if I'm ready. It's strange.. and It's annoying. A lot of the quests are really messed up in either this manner, or the quest-givers aren't taking the quest items from me. It practically makes playing the game worthless.. I keep re-doing it over and over, but it turns out to be the same scenario. I don't know if it's a bug or if my script files are screwed up.. There has to be some way to fix it.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:29 pm
by Athena
That stinks. Hopefully some other member will see this and help you figure something out. :confused:

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:50 pm
by Pewkitty
Yah. I just reinstalled the game and started over. It's still the same thing.. According to the guide she's supose to trigger a quest about Ardaline's staff. No staff is ever mentioned in the talking.. she just states to see Vamori. I don't know. This is getting kinda silly..

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:58 pm
by fable
Those are the only two of the Reccomendation series I haven't gotten to, yet. :rolleyes: Perhaps I'll find time tomorrow to do so, but my work schedule is pretty tight, at the moment. We'll see.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:16 pm
by Turtles
It kinda sounds like an error or something, because not getting a recommendation quest to even start isn't ingame-related I believe :O.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:02 am
by Ashen
When it comes to Kud-Ei, I actually went a different rout - I couldn't get it started either, but then I noticed I had another topic open, the mage Henantier (if I remember the name correctly). I mentioned him, another quest opened, then after that, the recommendation quest was opened to me, and it became active. Didn't try the other one yet.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:05 am
by Pewkitty
Hah. I actually found the problem and boy do I feel dumb. I just discovered the scroll bar. Plfffttt. :P

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:32 pm
by TigrisJK
roflmao! That's hilarious!

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:28 pm
by Ashen
Actually tons of people made the very same ... well I won't say mistake ... had the same oversight I guess :)

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:33 am
by Fer'or
I also have a problem with the Mage Guild recommendation quests, so I'll just post it here instead of creating a new topic.

The quest in Chorrol wants me to go fetch a book. Some woman who was expelled from the Mages Guild or something also wants that book. So I gave the book to the MG, but the guy didn't give me a recommendation. Then I stole the book and gave it to the woman. She gave me a quest. When I talk to the guildleader now he says something about the book missing. I went to the woman, pickpocketed the book back, and talked to the MG leader again, but still no recommendation. What to do now?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:38 am
by jdougan1
[QUOTE=Fer'or]I also have a problem with the Mage Guild recommendation quests, so I'll just post it here instead of creating a new topic.

The quest in Chorrol wants me to go fetch a book. Some woman who was expelled from the Mages Guild or something also wants that book. So I gave the book to the MG, but the guy didn't give me a recommendation. Then I stole the book and gave it to the woman. She gave me a quest. When I talk to the guildleader now he says something about the book missing. I went to the woman, pickpocketed the book back, and talked to the MG leader again, but still no recommendation. What to do now?[/QUOTE]

I am not sure what you mean "no recommendation" - the recommendation is something that is sent on ahead of you to the university. You don't ever actually physically get it. What does the quest log in your notebook say?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:49 am
by Fer'or
That I need the recommendations from all the Mages Guilds, and when I press the "map" button it directs me to the Chorrol Mage Guild.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:51 am
by Ashen
When you gave him the book, did you choose the recommendation option dialogue when talking to him? I had to, it wasn't enough just to give him the book, you have to prompt him by asking him about the rec. Also you had, what was the name, something of mountain 1, and then with the book the same 2 quest, is the second one officially completed, check your log. Until it is, the rec won't be given.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 3:13 am
by Fer'or
I've reloaded the game to just before that recommendation quest, and gave the book to the guildmaster and didn't take the book afterwards to give to the woman, chose all the dialog options, but I still don't get the recommendation. :(

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:43 am
by Ashen
Ok now that you have given the book to the guildmaster, prompt him for a recommendation *but* it is not over yet. Go talk to the woman, she'll ask you to steal it, say no. Then you should get a notice that the second part of the quest is over. That is when that part of the rec was officially taken off the map for me. Try that, this is what did it for me.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:25 am
by Fljotsdale
[QUOTE=Pewkitty]Hah. I actually found the problem and boy do I feel dumb. I just discovered the scroll bar. Plfffttt. :P [/QUOTE]

Took me a while to discover the scroll bar, too. :o :o You are not the only slowtop around here, lol! :laugh:

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 11:33 am
by mage masta
anyone in arcane university?

umm...i could use some help in the arcane university, and i need to get my mages staff. i went through the caverns and killed all the necros and found the dudes dead bodies, but what is there to investigate? :confused: i could use some help here!

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 12:05 pm
by Ashen
Did you find the valley? It is the other exit out of the cave. There are more necromancers there. You find the key to the door on one of the nercomancer's bodies, I am not sure on which one, I think one of the two in that bigger part of the cave. When you go out, kill all those off and take the wood for your staff - it's in the altar to the right, when you are looking towards the Imp. City. Then you can go back to the Arc. Uni.