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Is BG II worth getting?
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:17 am
by kedde
I'm thinking about buying baldur's gate II however I'm not quite sure whether or not the game will be to my liking. I'm a fan of ("hardcore") RPGs - Elder Scrolls series etc. and I'd like to ask you guys
1) Whether to get Baldur's Gate I or II - and why. And why is it a great game?
2) Would you say Baldur's Gate is more like Diablo or morrowind (ADventure vs. RPG) or something else - or is it in a genre of its own?
3)Being an avid fan of a more open game with a lot of freedom (especially when it comes to quests and moving around) would Baldur's Gate be suitable? And again would BG I or II be more "suitable"?
In advance, thanks for the insights.
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:40 am
by fable
I'm moving this to the SoA forum, since you're talking about the basic game, not merely the addon.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:07 am
by Luis Antonio
Dear mr (mrs) Kedde:
I would like to talk to you about the Baldur's Gate series before replying to your question, but I have no time, cause I should be finishing a report while I try to convert you to BG mania.
Ok, your questions:
1 - If you buy BG1 you'll buy BG2 and the expansions. Its highly addictive, really.
2 - Baldur's Gate is D&D - he is not and he is those games while being something completely different altogether. Baldur's gate is an epic story, to begin with, and you FEEL epic. Not like Morrowind, where you feel like you're an ubber god after level 10, and you can defeat the masterpiece enemy without rush. Here you have timing, you have difficulty, nice sidequests, tons to explore. And it wont slow down on the newer sistems, and you have an active modding comunity.
3 - Yes and no. You cant play after you finish. But that's no problem, cause you can play a helluva lot.
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:03 am
by Jordoo
I'd just like to add my big fat "YES" get it.
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:20 am
by VonDondu
Baldur's Gate is as close as you can get to Dungeons & Dragons (Second Edition) on the computer. A few adjustments and compromises had to be made, but the result is a better game. As for gameplay, you start out at 1st Level, and when you set out into the world, it really does feel like you're entering the wildnerness. The game is packed with mystery, adventure, and grandeur as well as slogging through the mud and squeezing your way through cramped corridors. There's not as much dialogue as I would like, but the quests are nicely done and the RPG world really seems BIG. I recommend it, and I think you should definitely play it before you play BG2: Shadows of Amn. If you do decide to play BG1, try to avoid reading anything about BG2 or it will spoil the biggest surprise of all in BG1.
Shadows of Amn continues where BG1 left off. You start as a mid-level character and advance to a fairly high level character. Some people complained about the very thing that made BG1 so much fun--the huge amount of time it takes to explore every part of the map and open every door--so BG2 is a lot more streamlined. There's a lot less walking to get from one map to the next, and there are fewer buildings to explore. But the quests have much more depth than the quests in BG1, and there is much more dialogue. Since the game engine was nearly perfected when BG1 was made, the game designers were able to spend more time on the story and the characters when they made BG2. There are also well-established amateur groups (made up of fans) who have written "mods" for the game which add extra quests, characters, and items. After playing the game 20 times, I have to admit that I'm getting a bit tired of playing it, but I still love to talk about it. I highly recommend it.
The expansion to BG2, which is called Throne of Bhaal, is essentially a third game in the series, but it is installed on top of Shadows of Amn for licensing reasons. (The company lost the rights to D&D when they wanted to make BG3, so they made it an extension of BG2.) Except for one area called Watcher's Keep, the areas that were accessible in Shadows of Amn are not accessible in Throne of Bhaal. After you have played Shadows of Amn, you will surely want to know how the story ends (you yourself determine the final outcome), so that's why you should play Throne of Bhaal. In Throne of Bhaal, your character reaches the highest possible levels, and the spells and items you can use are absolutely incredible. You might have to play the game a couple of times before you become a master of strategy (I'm still learning the finer points of spellcasting), but it can really fill you with a sense of power. It's just a game, but I still come away with the feeling that I have accomplished something. A minority of players don't like Throne of Bhaal because it is so challenging--they feel like they have to resort to "cheese". But if your characters are so strong and your own playing skills are finely honed, the game needs to be challenging, and it won't disappoint you.
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:04 am
by Amran_X_Kaiser
Since no-one posted about the vast mods out there I will.
Don't install mods until you play the game - speaking from experience, when I installed the mod after completing BG2 several times it changes the experience into a challenging battle around every corner.
The new-feeling when entering a new portion of the game is something you should hang onto - try not to cheat or cheese even though there are numerous ways to do so.
Powerful characters can be created but also with your own special flavour added to each of them for that personal feeling.
Go for it - been playing for 5-6 years now with breaks in between, can't play now got college exams but I can say it is a gripping adventure of a game.
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:47 pm
by Cuchulain82
[QUOTE=Amran_X_Kaiser]Go for it - been playing for 5-6 years now[/QUOTE]
This is the best testament. I love RPGs, and for me BGII is so wonderful that is has nearly ruined all other Single-Player RPGs for me- they all seem to pale in comparison. The only other RPG that is even in the same league for me is Final Fantasy VII.
BGII:SoA really is that good. As Vondondu said, it is the closest thing to 2nd edition D&D that you can get. You should absoluetly buy the game- it is cheap, excellently done, it holds up well, and it will give your years of replaying.
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:13 pm
by CFM
Dear Kedde:
When I read that you're an RPG fan... an avid fan of a more open game with a lot of freedom... but, you're unsure on playing the Baldur's Gate Saga... I had a chill go up my spin.
My best plug for the game would be to say (with respect)... that's comparable to someone saying they love money but have never seen a dollar bill before.
Well, maybe that's not an exactly comparable analogy, but from what it seems like you're into, I think you're on the verge of finding your Crown Jewel of games.
Not sure what you mean by "hardcore" RPG, but here's my 2 cents on your 3 questions:
1) Why is it great? I agree with VonD's spoiler-free post above, plus if I start on this question I'll be here ALL day.
2) I've never done Morrowind. I like the Diablo games, but BG has much deeper role-playing, story, and NPC interaction. I consider Diablo more of a "hack-n-slash" game. Not sure exactly what you mean by "Adventure vs. RPG", but it makes me think you would dig Planescape:Torment too.
3) Open-ended? Yes, yes, & more yes.
Last thought: if you decide to do BG, stay away from all BG forums! If it's possible to spoil Diablo, it's like that x100 with BG.
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:36 pm
by dragon wench
This is the game I keep coming back to, even though I've beaten it many times.
Why? Because it is an incredibly well done story with NPCs who have personalities.
The only reason I would advise you to stay away from BG2 is that it will spoil any other roleplaying game for you. I like Morrowind, but BG2 simply leaves it in the dust.
The only other game I've ever played that is on the same level as BG2 is Planescape Torment.
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:42 pm
by Denethorn
Why are you reading this far down? In case you don't realise,
get it already!
BG1 is looking a bit dated, and not so polished, but to this day I can't choose between the two. BG2 is definately the one which will drop your jaw within an hour or two, but I highly recommend you play them in order.
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:45 pm
by Amran_X_Kaiser
Dammit that reminds to actually play that game - played and completed all bg (totsc underway after exams), all IWD and all NWN games - but I really gotta try Planescape Torment - as for BG2 - yeah its the best one around so be sure if u wanna play it
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:43 pm
by Pellinore
Oh, yes. I haven't finished it yet but I must say that the BG series is quite possibly the best story of all the rpg computer games. I am an old D&D gamer from way back and must say that BG is very tight with 2nd edition rules. The first I played was Throne of Bhaal. I played it for about 30 minutes and stopped, refusing to play until I got BG2:Shadows of Amn. I then played for a bit and decided I HAD to play the whole story from beginning to end.
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:28 pm
by Deadalready
You can get hold of a copy of Baldur's Gate 1 and 2?!?
It's a piece of legendary gaming history, new games have a lot to learn if they're to come even close to what Baldur's Gate is.
Even in this day and age it's still a complex but well streamlined game it makes newer ones seem shallow. The graphics are good but don't expect it to blow your mind or anything. More important, the gameplay is outstanding it's so tactical and flexible that replaying is always new.
Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:11 pm
by Pellinore
Yeah, my local game store still has a copy of BG2 on the shelf...bundled with ToB for $19.99. Can't get BG1 at the store now but I got my copy from Amazon.
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:46 am
by Amran_X_Kaiser
If you do get BG1 - get Tales of the sword Coast - I've been meaning to order that game to complete the BG series for years now.
If your reading this far down you better have got it by now or else ! :mischief:
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 7:57 am
by fable
It's a great game, and I would also suggest Planescape: Torment. Right there, you have 2 of the best CRPGs ever made.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:05 pm
by kedde
Well...judging by the sheer volume of hugely enthusiastic replies I feel compelled to get the BG series.
Leaves Morrowind in the dust? And Daggerfall?
Thanks for the input!!
There goes the finals...

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:12 pm
by Amran_X_Kaiser
Personal recommendation, I have my university exams for my degree coming next month, I strongly recommend you complete those before you continue playing BG2 (oblivion is also good having just experienced it).
The fact is - it will take alot of enjoyment but also distract, play the game when you are free from obligations as I will be soon hopefully and you will find it alot more satisfying devoting time freely to it but also enjoying it more not having to balance out BG2 with exams - not a good combo IMO.
Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:23 pm
by fable
Amran_X_Kaiser wrote:Personal recommendation, I have my university exams for my degree coming next month, I strongly recommend you complete those before you continue playing BG2 (oblivion is also good having just experienced it).
It also runs like a dead man on many machines; while Morrowind's mods will simply suck you in, and spit you out--years later.
The fact is - it will take alot of enjoyment but also distract, play the game when you are free from obligations as I will be soon hopefully and you will find it alot more satisfying devoting time freely to it but also enjoying it more not having to balance out BG2 with exams - not a good combo IMO.
That's dealt with, not by lack of play, but by setting realistic, timed access and sticking to it. I would suggest that anybody who enjoys playing games use some kind of alarm system--external, if you don't have an internal one--and set yourself some acceptable limits. Managed like this, any game, BG2 included, is easily worked into a schedule. Cliffhangers even become sweeter, because you know what awaits you when your playing time arrives.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:20 pm
by Amran_X_Kaiser
Speaking of internal/external alarms, upon entering a new area it sometimes reminds you that you have to eat to survive but your protaginst doesn't !
Isn't BG2 just the best !