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Oblivon Mods (mod defs and links ONLY)

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:51 am
by moltovir
Since the release of Oblivion 10 days ago quite a lot of mods have been released, so it's time to revive the mod thread! The goal of this thread is to sift the grain from the husk, so feel free to post your favourite mods here, but please add a description and a download link.

Quoted from the original Morrowind mod thread:

I thought it might be helpful to keep a running tally of some of the best mods around"]

Playable Captain's Armour: for all those bloodthirsty killers who slaughtered some Imperial Watchmen only to notice then that the armour couldn't be picked up. This mod makes the Watchman Captains drop the armour so you can wear it. Download

Oblivion Eyes: nice for all the people who think 250 sliders aren't enough to make a unique character, this mod adds about 20 new eye colors to customize your PC even further. Download

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:47 am
by Denethorn
I've kept my eye on the mod scene as much as I can so far as it moves very fast.

The only mod I'm using at the moment though (I've tried a couple) is BTmod. It's basically a UI tweak (there are a few of them around) - when I first played the game the most glaring issue was the large inteface text in the inventory etc. This mod corrects that, making the text smaller and can fit far more items on the screen now. A minor change, but a very necessary one. [url=""]Found here.[/url]

Another UI tweak has reached a nice level of quality and is made is collaboration with those that made BTmod: Dark UI. Hate it when you're sneaking through the shadows of a dingy cave when you have to bring up your inventory and your eyes strain as your face is flooded with the bright interface - this mod solves that for you. Dark leather themed interface, with golden/yellow text for contrast.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:03 pm
by JudgeU
Callsteed2.5 and Saddlebag


I'm not sure why Bethesda didn't think of having your horse carry things for you but I love it. There is a weight limit to your horse depending on what type of horse you have.

is what it sounds like. There are 2 spells each costing about 5 mana to cast (buy them from a cheap mage) Call steed and summon steed. Anywhere in the world your steed will come to you by land or portal.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:13 pm
by JudgeU
Darker Dungeons
Description from site:
"I found dungeons in Oblivion too bright, making torch, light spell, and nighteye pretty much useless. This mod makes all forts, almost all caves (I left some caves with the colored hue that Beth gave them), and some mines darker. This does not however remove the inexplicably brighter areas that does not have visible light sources, that will be for the Even Darker Dungeons mod. This makes torches, light spells, and nighteye very important on dungeon crawls as it makes the nooks and crannies where loot are usually hidden very dark - just like a real dungeon. So enjoy it and let me know if of any bugs that u encounter.


Darker Nights
Description from site:
"This is a companion to my Darker Dungeons mod. It makes the nights darker though not enough that you will need a torch. A torch is needed though on nights with bad weather. I might still change this to reduce view distance since I left that unchanged. Please leave comments as this will help me finetune this mod. Enjoy."


Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 9:43 am
by fable
Stay on topic, folks. Per the top post:

so feel free to post your favourite mods here, but please add a description and a download link.

Not favorite mod sites, but favorite mods, with lengthy descriptions of them. That's all. Anything else posted will be eviscerated. ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:28 am
by Masa
Tired that nearly all monsters level up with you? Bored that at level 25 all bandits of the world are god-like ones with daedric equipment?
Then this mod is for you.
This mod changes nearly all creatures list to make only a part of them leveling up with you. I think that the game has to be challenging but that not every fight has to be an epic one, so even if you will still find lots of very strong stuff at high levels you will sometimes find normal skeletons and zombies in dungeons, wolves and rats in the wilderness and so on.. not every bandit will level up with you but some of them will stop at about level 10-20.. I also changed many leveled items lists, before at say level 20 you used to find only high level armors and weapons, now there's a chance even for low-mid level stuff to spawn.. so when you'll be level 25 not every bandit will have a god-like equipment, making the game more realistic.

Guards also were changed, in the original game all guards used to keep leveling up with you, so no matter how strong you were they were always a bit stronger than you.
Now while many guards still level up with you some of them will stop at about levels 15-25. Stronger guards usually defend more important places/people.
This mod aims to create a more realistic and enjoyable experience, it will not make the game easier, just more credible.

Many other changes were done to item leveling lists, in the normal game you used to find chainmail/dwarven mithril/orcish armors and weapons in the loot of monsters before seeing their apparence in shops, so for exemple by the time you saw an orcish armor in a shop you already had a full set of it found in bandits loot, this made armor/weapons shops nearly useless after reaching level 6-7, now you will find those stuff in shops many levels before but at increased prices, I had to increase prices because if not it would have been too easy to buy certain items at the very first levels, keep in mind that prices were increased ( of about 30-50% depending on the item ) only for dwarven-orcish-chainmail-mithril armors and silver-dwarven-elven weapons in shops, those found in monsters loots will have the original value.

Keep in mind these are just few examples, nearly every item or npc list in the game has been edited!
Where you see npcs/items in bold text it means they are lower level stuff that you couldn't find in the original game at that player level with that particular npc/item list, now with my mod they are spawning!


Random spawn of goblin with player level of 20 or more
Origianl spawn: 50% goblin warlord 50% goblin shaman
Francesco's spawn: 40% goblin warlord 40% goblin shaman 12%goblin berserker 4% 2 goblin skirmisher, 2 goblin

Random spawn of goblin with player level of 15
Original spawn: 50% goblin shaman 50% goblin berserker
Francesco's spawn: 42% goblin shaman 36% goblin berserker 7.3%goblin skirmisher 7.3% 2 goblin skirmisher 7.3% 2 goblin

Here are few examples of npc spawns without and with this mod.

Random undead spawn, player level 16

Origianl spawn: 17% skeleton hero 17% wraith faded 17% dread zombie 17%ancient ghost 17%skeleton guardian 17% headles zombie
Francesco's spawn: 16% skeleton hero 16% wraith faded 16% ancient ghost 16% dread zombie 7% skeleton guardian 7% headless zombie 7%ghost, 2 zombie, 2 skeleton

Random undead spawn, player level 23 or more

Origianl spawn: 20% gloom wraith 20% lich 20%wraith 20%skeletal champion 20% dread zombie
Francesco spawn: 17% gloom wraith 17% lich 16% wraith 14% skeletal champion 14% dread zombie 3% ghost, ancient ghost, headless zombie, skeleton hero, skeleton guardian, faded wraith 2% 2 skeleton, 2 zombie,

Random wilderness forest spawn player level 16 or more
Original spawn: 28% deer 14% brown bear 14% spriggan 14% black bear 14% troll
Francesco's spawn: 28% deer 14% brown bear 14%spriggan 14%black bear 7% troll 7% timber wolf 7% imp 7% 2 wolf 7% boar

Random regular mele/missile bandit spawn
Original spawn: 100% bandit leveld to your level no matter which level you are
Francesco's spawn Player level 35: 80% bandit leveled to your level, 14% bandit leveled to your level with a max level 20 6% bandit leveled to your level, max level 12
Francesco's spawn Player level 30: 75% bandit leveled to your level, 17% bandit leveled to your level with a max level 20 8% bandit leveled to your level, max level 12
Francesco's spawn Player level 25: 66% bandit leveled to your level, 23% bandit leveled to your level with a max level 20 11% bandit leveled to your level, max level 12
Francesco's spawn Player level 20: 75% bandit leveled to your level, 25% bandit leveled to your level, max level 12
Same numbers are used for necros, marauders and conjurers, vampires use a slightly different percentage table.

- In the original game in shops you found dwarven-chainmail armors starting at level 8 and orcish-mithril ones by level 15.. this was weird considering that you may find them in loots many levels before, now you may buy them in shops at levels 5 and 9, but at increased prices. Similiar things were done on silver-dwarven-elven weapons. It's a sort of trade-off.. you want them before? Ok but you will have to pay an icreased price, if you will wait you will find them free in loots. I think it makes more sense.

New leveling up system, now 12 skill gains are required in order to level up, this has two main benefits: first of all leveling up will be 20% slower, I think it happened way to often in the original game, and second and more important now you will be 20% stronger in terms of skills compared to a same level character leveled up with the classic 10 skill/1 level system, and also those 2 skill gains more per level will help you to have better stats multiplers, while this will not make a noticable difference at lower-mid levels, at higher levels (15+) this will help you to become a bit stronger level by level compared to leveled npcs, when you will be about level 25-30 there will be a considerable gap between you and leveled npcs, the game will still be challengin but you will feel a bit more powerful. You have to try it and you will see things will work much better with this little change to the level up system.
The new level up system is optional, in the archive you will find 2 files, the actual mod and the new level system mod. In order to have the best experience I reccomend to use my new level up system, anyway this is up to you. ;)

Here's even more percentages: [url=""][/url]


P.S You need to be registered at the fileplanet to download the mod, it's free so don't worry. :cool:

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:52 am
by Ashen
I've waited for this for a while and someone else perhaps:

[url=""]Reznod's Mannequins[/url] OR [url=""]Reznod's Mannequins[/url]


From there you will be able to do the following:
-Modify the inventory
You will be shown the mannequin's inventory which works just like any other container in the game.
-Pick it up
All of the items on the mannequin will be moved to the player and the mannequin will be added to the player.
Will cause the mannequin to face the player

In order to move the mannequin from its current position you must pick it up and move to the place you would like to set it down and then drop it again. Also you will not be able to harm the mannequin and it will not enter combat or alert others to crimes.

It's up to version 2.1 now, with a few bugs corrected. Works well, if you're having trouble with the download try several times.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:06 am
by fable
The TES4 Plugin Utility (linked in the thread; it changes, so I can't post directly to it) is worth consideration if you plan to load a lot of mods. It's a utility that actually merges mods, and judging by the more knowledgeable thread comments, actually appears to do a pretty good job of it. The reason for fewer mods is to avoid reaching Oblivion's mod limit, though I'm not sure what that is--nor has Bethsoft said, as of yet.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:45 am
by Denethorn
Browsing through the forums I came across a member offering some of his music for use in Oblivion. Its mostly improvised piano pieces, but there is some fairly good stuff here - and no cheesy synthesized samples either :)

At the moment its just a forum post, and may not ever have a home page, so I advise you to nab the files while you can before the thread dissapears.

[url=""]Find it here[/url]

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 1:18 pm
by fable
Mighty Magick by DamarStiehl is a fun mod. To quote the modder:

This mod aims to make the "stock" spells of Oblivion more potent, useful and exciting...Currently, all magick combat in Oblivion consists of backpedaling while firing spell after spell into your opponent, or summoning creatures to do your dirty work. If you are sick of this, the mod is for you.

Additionally, a module in the mod changes the amounts of magicka each race receives, and alters the way Atronach, Mage and Apprentice birthsigns work.

MM isn't overpowered against magic users, because they get a boost to have more magicka than you've got. Against melee opponents it's another matter, but there's a nice, quiet joy in being able to blow an enemy running at you into the air just from a combination of force and game physics. Nor do the tweaks render you invincible, or even likely to kill off level 5 opponents with one blast--much less level 15, or 25. So, pretty well-balanced, and lots of fun, in my opinion.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 5:42 pm
by sdwillie
Alchemy Perks

I can't include what this mod changes without a VERY minor *SPOILER*, but I can say that this mod restores one of the developers' original concepts for alchemy perks.

One of the developers' original concepts for alchemy perks (deja vu!) allowed a greater number of simultaneous duration-based effects at higher levels of mastery (I loved alchemy in Morrowind, but I prefer this concept), rather than the 4 effects Oblivion allows/limits regardless of alchemical mastery. This mod restores that concept by reducing the number of effects at low level and increasing it with greater proficiency.

If you like the idea of the mod but think the changes are off you can find where those changes are made and a brief description of what to change and where to do it near the bottom of this page.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 3:05 pm
by fable
Post removed, because I have a vague suspicion that a thread labeled Oblivon Mods (mod defs and links ONLY) is not meant to be kidnapped for someone looking for a specific mod.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 4:01 am
by SuperVillain

Here is some Mods that I use and have had no problem with them. I take no responsibility for the outcome on your game :P

The following mods are not for people who like mods that contain Cheats/Godlike/Hair/Models etc but for the people like me who like a good realistic game that is fun.

(1) Caldera =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
Basically it adds a new place, new items, new armor, new weapons and much more :P

(2) Beast Tongue =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
Basically it makes the Beast Tongue power better and worth using.

(3) Compleat Enchanter =
Yes this is how it is spelled :P
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
Basically allow for better enchantments and more of them.

(4) Leather Crafting =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
Basically allows you to craft new armours.

(5) Arcane Crafting =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
Basically allows you to craft new armours from metal ores, simular to RuneScape (No I dont play it lol)

(6) Crowded Roads =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
Basically if your like me and love to see more in the wild then this is for you. It adds travelers to the roads that will travel to other places.

(7) Safe Waters =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
Basically only use this mod if your going to or are using the Jason Ship Mod below. Clears rocks out of the way to allow the ship to move more freely.

(8) Increased Bow Damage =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
Yes I know what your thinking, "you said you didnt like unbalanced mods"... well this isnt overpowerd, it just basically boosts the damage of the Bows to make them worth using, this includes NPCs and Monsters.

(9) Inebriation =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
This allows you to get the "Drunk" effect when you drink Beer or other alcoholic drinks :D (Makes some people sick in real life, beware lol)

(10) Jasons Pirate Ship =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
This allows you to get inside a boat and travel the seven seas, well the oblivion seas :D , I struggled to find the boat at first but you will one day :) have fun.

(11) ArenaModification =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
This little baby allows you to enter Team Battles in the arena, I also have another mod but cannot find the link that makes the AI better :P Battles are 2v2, 4v4 or 6v6.

(12) Kumiko Manor =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
In second place (when I downloaded) and it contains a new home, could be classed as overpowerd but with a 25,000 gold price for the house I wouldnt :P
I expect you not cheat in order to gain this house :P but its your game.

(13) Natural =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
In first place (when i downloaded) and it contains more stuff than i can list :P makes the game more realistic.

(14) Np Psychic Guard =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
For people who HATE stealing items and then a guard on the other side town "knows you did it" and arrests you. This reduces the "detect" radius.

(15) Rain =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
In real life when it rains you can hear it from inside, on Oblivion you cant, this mod allows you to hear rain when inside to add to the realism.

(16) Timekeeper =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
Pick up a Hourglass and you will be able to have (*Constant) clock at the top of the screen.
(*) Can be changed via the three packages included.

(17) Fletching =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
Basically allows you to create you own arrows, I found the equipment inside the Imperial City somewhere.

(18) Travel =
Read the MOD description on that page for more info.
Possibly my favorite Mod. It adds Adventurers to the world. These adventurers will fight in groups or solo and pick up items!!! (I seen them do it)and even go to a city and sleep!!! How real do you want it :P Number one mod in my eyes.

I take no credit for any of the said mods and as I said earlier take no responsibility for the outcomes. But I have had no negative outcomes.
Have fun, SuperVillain

Note that all these links point back to TesSource. That's closed and reopened as TesNexus, so none of these will work. Just go to TesNexus, and search on these mods to find them. -Fable

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 7:23 am
by SuperVillain
Top 10 Mods (Mod of the Month)

Thought I would also add the link to the Top10 Mods for Oblivion...

Happy downloading :)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:38 pm
by Siberys
[url=";68542"]Oscuro's Oblivion overhaul[/url]

This is by far the greatest mod I've played for a while. If you're sick of going into a random ayleid dungeon and being able to beat it with relative ease and very few surprises, then this is for you. It creates a new smaller leveled system, along with creatures specific to area's and places that are definitely stronger than a 1st level character, and about a thousand other things including potion graphics, prices, weapons and armor.

Be warned though, it's a 400 megabyte download, so you'll be waiting about a half hour on DSL or possibly a full 24 hours on dial up.

In any case, this mod basically turns monsters and NPC's from oblivion to be existant like in morrowind. In morrowind, sure you saw some new monsters at very high levels, but you also saw monsters at low level that could kick your face in, and Oblivion overhaul makes it like this.

Example (Spoilers, highlight to read)-
I tested this out and went into a random ayleid dungeon, many necromancers in the place, and the necromancers were summoning wraiths and liches while I was only level one, safe to say even on easy mode I still died.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:10 pm
by Siberys
Galerion True Unarmored

The Unarmored mod. Yes, unarmored as in no armor needed to increase your Armor Rating, this mod simply adds a couple of tokens outside the sewers when you complete the tutorial, and the tokens will improve your Armor Rating just as light armor or heavy armor will. It even has perks such as weight affecting your unarmored status.

This is most recommended for mage types and conan the barbarian type characters.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:04 pm
by dragon wench
I was just browsing through Lady Arwen's site (some people may remember her Morrowind Journal :D )
Anyway I noticed a page of Oblivion mods she recommends, complete with download links. I know some are already listed here, but quite a number are not, so I thought I'd post the [url=""]URL[/url]

Most are realism-oriented, and address things like hunger, darkness, the quest pointer etc.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:18 am
by Belthan
Shameless plug for my first two Oblivion mods...

Belthan's Maid Makeover (gives Eyja a makeover, a couple of new outfits and new dialog options, as well as an option to hire a hunky butler instead):
The Elder Scrolls Source - Oblivion Mods and Oblivion Plugins

Belthan's Rags (a variety of new low-budget clothing):
The Elder Scrolls Source - Oblivion Mods and Oblivion Plugins

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:01 pm
by Siberys
ES4 Oblivion Lost Spires-

The Lost Spires - Home

VERY well done mod actually. This mod provided more entertainment in it's 250 MB size than all five to eight gigs of oblivion. It introduces a new faction you can join, an Archeology guild. You're job becomes to explore and clear out monsters of many of the various spires, and bring back some relics and artifacts of these ancient (and custom designed) ruins.

Pro's about the mod-
-The cave systems of each spire or ruin is an actual maze. None of that one to two line straightforward crap oblivion has, you actually have to explore a little. The artifacts you need to look out for are relatively easy to find, they do tend to stand out a slight bit more than most things.

-The guild itself is rather extensive, beyond just the standard guild hall. The guild hall itself is a full blown museum of reliquaries and artifacts. But there are also several excavation sites, and I don't mean small area's that are also the guild, I do mean excavation. The first one I encountered they were digging up the bones of a fossilized Dreugh.

-The quest rewards are more than awesome. It's no longer just gold and maybe a cool spell or magic item that you could get one of ten times better just for selling whatever you got in the imperial prison at the beginning of the game. One of my latest prizes was a giant bear trap, that you can actually set down and it'll lay out a full blown trap. I've also received a coin that permanently boosted my luck, always a nice addition. The coin I didn't even have to wear, it was just a permanent blessing.

-Normally I don't care about scenery, but good god almighty, some of the stuff they added. THIS is what fantasy scenery should be. A forest with a bunch of wolves and bears, no. But a plane of existence where the sky itself looks like the planet Courescant from Star Wars and an Olympian like plateau with a specter warlock holding a rather devious looking spire found stave, now THIS is the stuff that I was actually expecting in oblivion.

-The dialog, while a little limited, is rather well thought out. Not really just that cookie cut'n'paste that happened all throughout oblivion. No voices, but still, that's not even a necessity to a good story.

The Cons-

-As said, the dialog can be a bit limited in choices. Though your character has a bit of emotion when saying something (Like instead of "Teav's death" you'll have "Oh dear, how did he die?"), it doesn't give a lot of room for evil versus good.

-You are an explorer clearing out monsters, this can get a little dull occasionally. Most of the cave systems that don't actually need to be a maze are a bit too extensive as well.

-Demands high graphics. In one of the cave spires, my system started lagging tremendously just from standing there doing nothing. This was using small textures and very limited graphics mind you.

-Still in beta form. Many things are good in this, but there can be a few glitches here and there, such as monsters killing themselves before you can even touch them. When a speckled daedroth goes up against a few speckled scamps, and the daedroth wins but severely hurt, kind of boring to only need one arrow strike in it without even sneaking.

-Area's are added in game when the quests become available, so if you find say an excavation site that isn't supposed to exist yet based on your journal, it can look a little glitched up. It doesn't affect anything once you actually get the quest, but still...

Here are a few screenies for those that want a little graphical taste (But DO remember, graphics are the least important part of a game). ... ullres.jpg ... ullres.jpg ... ullres.jpg

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:04 pm
by RPG-BlackDragon
OblivionModGods Modifications

Here some mods from me:

MrMuhs & RPG-BlackDragons Physical Throwable Crates'n Chests Gold Edition
All furniture and boxes, chests, barrels, candels and many more small things (includes furniture from the addon Shivering Isles) were accessed for the game-internal Havok-Phyics-Engine. All actions done with your wapons and health potions you can also do with furnitures. You can fling them to the scenery!
Download Physical Throwable Crates'n Chests Gold Edition

RPG-BlackDragons LowPolyTrees
This Mod improves the tree-objects, so that you have more performance but you have a visual loss!
In the level1 version have the distant 3D-Trees lesser but bigger leaves!
Download LowPolyTrees

MrMuhs & RPG-BlackDragons Physical Throwable Harvest Container
In the original Harvest Container Mod, animations were played before opening them, so that for example a door of a cupboard is opening. Until now this objects were static. We have changed all of the objects so that the animations and collisions are working without problems.
Download Physical Throwable Harvest Container

This Mod improves the grass-objects, so that you have more performance!
The grass-objects have substantial lesser polygons and this increases the performance extreme, because the grass in Oblivion needs much of it!
Download LowTriPolyGrass

MrMuh's Sheogorath-Animations
This Mod ensures that the player can move like Sheogorath.
To that belong the animations like standing or sitting and playing with the staff like Sheogorath. The staff can you get after finalize the main quest of Shivering Isles from the throne of Sheogorath.
It's unrecommended to activate the Mod before closing up the main quest (see in the readme by Bugs).
Download MrMuh's Sheogorath-Animations

BDs_Havok_Tapestry version 1.0
This mod replaces nearly every rectangular tapestries in Oblivion. The new tapestries are now calculated by the Havok-Engine so they can be moved by running against them or by casting a spell on them(or even by throwing a chest from MrMuhs Physical Throwable Crates'n Chests towards them ;) )
Download BDs_Havok_Tapestry

RPG-BlackDragons ATI-Shader
In this version I have fixed the HDR-Bug with the stripes at ATI-Graphic cards!
This Mod works only with graphic cards which have 3.0Shader and gives you 5 to 10 % more FPS!
Download RPG-BlackDragons ATI-Shader

MrMuh's Shivering Isles Mark&Recall (MMSIM&R)
This Mod allows marking and returning to the marked position, like it is known from Morrowind.
That means, you use the spell "Marking" (example on a quest-target or simple the central item-collecting point ;) ). Then this position is saved, until you use "Mark" the next time. If you are anywhere in the games world and use the spell "Return", you will be teleported to the position which you have marked before.
Download MrMuh's Shivering Isles Mark&Recall

MrMuhs & RPG-BlackDragons Physical Throwable Crates'n Chests Shivering Isles
MMPTC&C makes the static objects, like chests, crates and furniture, to havok-ed objects. That means, these things(and some more) can be moved around
with the help of the game-intern physics-engine, called 'Havok'. You can throw them around, or cast fireballs on them, or even penetrate them with
arrows, and the best is: they react on it! Ok, what means 'react'? With a fireball, which is big enough, you can bring your room upside down.
Download from

RPG-BlackDragons Better LowTextures
This Mod improves some textures in the architecture-folder, which have a very low resolution.
If you have a Mod which improves textures then you should not use this mod, if this textures were replaced.
Download Physical Throwable Crates'n Chests Shivering Isles

RPG-BlackDragons and MrMuhs Havok Skeletons
This mod change the collisions of the dead bodys so that all living things collide with them which normally not so.
You can walk over dead bodys and they shiver then. Also you can use them as boat.
But this works only good by big creatures.
The colliding with dead bodys should improve Oblivion and make it more realistic like the Physical Throwable Crates'n Chests.
Also the mod includes the modificated skeleton.nifs of RPG-BlackDragons Skeleton-Resource
Download from OblivionModGods

MrMuhs and RPG-BlackDragons Waterrefraction
This Mod adds to water the refraction-effect which is also used by invisible living things or by Obliviongates.

Download MrMuhs and RPG-BlackDragons Waterrefraction

RPG-BlackDragons Skeleton-Resource
This modification contains the newest changed skeleton.nif of alexscorpion who has modified it of Seph. Additional I have add the wing-bones of Chingari and Ismeldas Demon Race which uses also ROO.
This skeleton.nif is a template and standard for all modders, so it wouldn't happen that mods are incompatible because they use both another changed skeleton.nif.

Download Skeleton Resource

RPG-BlackDragons Trees
This mod changes all trees in Oblivion and Shivering Isles. All trees have more branches and a more tighter leafage.
Through this you have more the feeling to stand under a big tree.
Because all trees have more branches and leaves it decreases the performance.
If you want create your own trees for Oblivion you can read the SpeedTree Tutorial

Download RPG-BlackDragons Trees

RPG-BlackDragons Ultra HDR
This mod intensifies the HDR so you have a clearer illumination.
Moreover the differences by the brightness are changing if you choose a higher variance.
You have 30 different versions where you can choose the luminosity and difference by the luminosity.

Download Ultra HDR

RPG-BlackDragons Oblivion with Shadows
For a long time ago I have start my shadow project and now it is partly finish. This mod enables shadowing for some objects in Anvil. Moreover I have written a tutorial for creating shadow casting objects. Furthermore the mod contains a Shaderresource were I have find out which shaders do what, especially by the shadows.

Download Oblivion with Shadows

Moreover you can now visit our English Portal under OblivionModGods - The Elderscrolls Portal for Oblivion, Morrowind and Modfications