(Spoiler Warning)Easy Duxun Sith Tomb Battle
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 10:53 pm
I discovered a way to get around all the Sith and beasts that are gaurding the outside of the Tomb of Freedon Nadd on Duxun. This is normally one of the most intense battles in the game. Usually I enjoy fighting it out, but this is fun too. Here's how you do it:
Spoilers--(I don't know how to do the highlight thing so don't peek!)
Spoilers--(I don't know how to do the highlight thing so don't peek!)
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First fight all the Sith by the spaceship, then go up near but not too near the tomb. Have your character who has a high stealth-usually Visas- go into Stealth mode and sneak past everyone. Don't bump into any of the bad guys.
Go up into the tomb, keep on going until you trigger the cutscene where the Mandalorian warrior comes along and tells you that the Sith camp is in ruins they've never seen a battle like that before. This will bring the rest of your party up with you and all the Sith outside are gone.