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bravil ghost quest (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:44 am
by soni_wisdom
It's the quest with the ghost that lives south of Bravil... I get the quest update telling me to follow him and after I do that he stops at the bay and just stares... but I receive no quest update and I can't talk to him... in that direction is that shipwreck, but the last door can't be opened without a key...
Am I missing something here? what is the way to solve this?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:51 am
by Ashen
WEll he talked to me without prompt, but I didn't get the quest update notification even though I did get a new msg there, to go back to the town and talk to the Inn owner. Try again the next night, keep close to him, he'll talk to you. Also after he talks check the quest log on your own. if nothing else, we'll find the quest in the TES CS, to get you moving.