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Dark Brootherhood !SPOILERS!!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:25 am
by Dark0men
Hello ppl! Enjoying the game? ;) Well I have a question..Actually I want your opinion!I became the arena champion by killin the half-vampire-orc..He didin't faught because I had completed the quest where u have to find what's the deal with his parents,the heir and all that!So he told me to just kill him!Hehe!:mischief: So I kill him and when I rested A guy from the Dark Brootherhood visited me and told me to join..Well..The Idea is very appealing,but I am a redguard warrior so I don't know if it 'fits'..That's the first point..The second thing is that if I become a member,the NPC's will know I am a member?And will I have to follow the 'bad guy' path?


Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:37 am
by Foss
[QUOTE=Dark0men]Hello ppl! Enjoying the game? ;) Well I have a question..Actually I want your opinion!I became the arena champion by killin the half-vampire-orc..He didin't faught because I had completed the quest where u have to find what's the deal with his parents,the heir and all that!So he told me to just kill him!Hehe!:mischief: So I kill him and when I rested A guy from the Dark Brootherhood visited me and told me to join..Well..The Idea is very appealing,but I am a redguard warrior so I don't know if it 'fits'..That's the first point..The second thing is that if I become a member,the NPC's will know I am a member?And will I have to follow the 'bad guy' path?


Well, I haven't done the DB quest line yet, I have just made a character that should be able to do it.
I had a redguard warrior first aswell.
But, I do think you can use a warrior for the DB quest line, but you might not experience all the rewards possible.
I know that in some DB quests you can get an extra reward if you do the quest in a certain way. And I think sometimes that way will be difficult unless you are good in the stealth skills.

About evil path.
the DB is evil, very evil. So yes, you will most likely get alot of Infamy points the more quest you do for them.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:09 am
by Dark0men
Hmm..Yeah I guess you're right!Well I wanted to play the game as a good guy and after that I would play as a bad guy!Well..I might stray A little and put on my blades some inocent ppl's blood!hehe!:mischief: Thanx man!

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:46 pm
by Babytank
SPOILER!...I just complete the mission where I had to kill all the dark brotherhood members. As a reward I was given the Black Horse, but I don't know where to get it. I forgot where the guy said it was, so if anyone could give me the location of the horse then that would by nice...end spoiler


Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 6:19 pm
by Phreddie
Try tight outside the questgivers location. That is where I found it.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:46 pm
by Babytank
Hmmm, I must have missed it, it must have blended with the darknest.