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Vampire quest problem.....

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:34 pm
by Jirizo Reborn
Well I know my game has truly gliched up on this mission. Ive gotten the quest for a vampire cure (for the count) and i was told to vist an old witch. I gave here ALL the items she asked for but no luck. Its suck on the active quest where I need to give here argonian blood. I did this already and she said that would be enough. The quest is still active on that part. I have given her EVERYTHING and still she asked for the items. I have triple checked my quest log and nothing... Is their another way to get a cure? If not then im stuck as a vampire....
Has anyone else had trouble with this quest? If so, tell me a solution so i can be rid of this curse!:angry:

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 3:50 am
by Ashen
I think this is probably the most bugged quest there is in the game, plenty of people have had issues with it. If you are on the PC the thing to do is use the console for the command to get you through that part, but if you are on the 360 then I think you may be stuck actually. Let me know which, so I can look it up if needed.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 9:38 pm
by Jirizo Reborn screwed :(