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Witches guild

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:01 am
by kedde
Hello all.

I was sent on a quest to a small village pretty much in the middle of Daggerfall. It had ca. 10 houses and I was supposed to look up someone (can't remember who or what for). I finally located the house, saved, and entered and initiated conversation.

The person was actually a witch stirring a big pot...and when I talked to her she asked if I wanted to join the witches guild... naturally I said yes and the game crashed... :( !

I reloaded up to 10 times but every time there was a new person with a new "boring" quest that I'd done a hundred times before. I would've liked to have joined this guild... but the witch never "showed" up again.

Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Or is there even anyone who is member of the witches guild?

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:26 pm
by Xandax
Looong time ago, but I recall stumpeling on some areas in the wilderness which where marked as something similar to "Withes Cove", so there might have been intended for this guild to be implemented and it was cut in the last minute or perhaps simply never patched.