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Small Magicka Pool?
Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:04 am
by Brockaine22
Hi all, I'm a Breton that focuses in all things magic. I'm lvl 9 atm and for some reason whenever I level my total Magicka points are only icnreasing by about 2 a level. My max magicka is 238 at lvl 9. Is this normal or is something wrong? if this is normal I don't see how I will be able to cast the really high level spells that easily cost 200+ from the looks of it. Thanks for the help.
Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:00 am
by mordib
well if it makes you feel any better my none breton lvl 39 character with a willpower of 100 only has 200 magika points so Id say you are doing well! :d
to more directly allay your fears, the amount of magika required to cast the more spells go down dramatically the higher you skill levels in that particular spell area are. For example, my destruction is high 70s and there is actually only one destruction spell left that ive found to buy that still requires more than 200 magika. This is in contrast to when I was coming up to 50 in destruction when nearly all high level destruction spells cost well over 200.
Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:52 am
by Brockaine22
Thanks alot. I noticed them going down slightly but that really helps me worry less hehe.
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 3:56 pm
by Solusek
Well... Sorry to disappoint you, but obviously you guys are doing something wrong. When I created my Altmer I was already at 300 magicka before even leaving the sewers. + 50 additional points of intellegence + some decent stat modifications makes that something around 500 magicka. Even if you're not playing as an Altmer and choose another sign of birth you can easily get a magicka pool of 400+
After all, what use is a good destruction spell, if it uses up (almost) all your magicka?
Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:05 pm
by Ashen
I am not sure that is true. I play a Dunmer, and have INT at 110 and it is just slightly above 200. It's just how it is.
Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 1:03 pm
by Solusek
Sure, I'm lying...
Actually it's quite simple. Birthsign Apprentice => +100 magicka
That way you start with 200 magicka as a Dunmer. Next step, max out your intellegence. Dunmers start at 50 int, so that would be an additional 50 int. 2 points of magicka per int => 100 magicka. So now you're at 300. Get some decent items with int/magicka modfications and/or turn into a vampire and you can easily reach 400. Should you still not believe me, just check it yourself.
Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:51 pm
by sub0
My gues the magica is increasing slowly cause you don't train your inteligence bases skills enough and don't get high bonuses. Or it may be beacuse all your intelligence skills are your main and you level up without training them enough as there are other skills that also contribute to leveling up.
Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 4:29 pm
by fable
Post removed for thread-napping. Start your own.
Brockaine, if you're playing on the PC, check out the
Mighty Magick mod. From the readme, and pardon my Bretonese accent:
This mod originally aimed to make the "stock" spells of Oblivion more potent, useful and exciting. After all, what use is a spell that produces an effect like "Burden 60 points for 30 seconds" or "Drain Acrobatics 10 points for 10 seconds"? However, this version goes beyond powering up stock spells; it also introduces a concept of "maintained spell": a magick effect that doesn't cost much to cast, but instead incurs magicka cost for every second it is active. All Conjuration spells, some Alteration spells and a couple of Restoration spells have been converted to "maintained spells".
Additionally, some more changes have been made to birthsigns' and races' innate powers.
The mod is modular, so you are free to use whatever part of it you want, or all of it. I recommend using all of it. I add BloodBob's Raised Spellmaking and Enchanting Limits (included) to make Arcane University's Spellmaker more useful. This mod doesn't have an ESP, just install it in your Data folder.
1. Mighty Magick - Spells.esp
This module tweaks the costs of almost all magick effects and spells. Spells are now generally much more potent, and cost more magicka - so you need to focus on making every shot count instead of spraying fireballs like a machine gun. But, if you do connect with an attack - they'll feel it, trust me.
Destruction spells of Master level are truly devastating now...They are so potent in fact that they require additional concentration to cast - and once you let one go, you won't be able to regenerate magicka for 1 minute. Trust me, those bad boys are worth it. Skill levels matter much more now. For example, Novices of Restoration can only heal wounds and absorb small amounts of magicka and fatigue, whereas Apprentices can fortify and cure, etc., etc..
If you notice a spell with an outrageous cost, like 1500 Magicka, don't panic. Those are Master-level spells, and once your skill is at 100, you'll notice that they cost a whole lot less. Mind you, they will still severely tax your mana supply, so don't expect to rain godly fire and brimstone ALL the time.
There's a lot more to it, including maintained spells (spells with next to no initial cost, but a mantainence cost as they run), meditation spells (that temporarily sacrifice attributes to increase magicka restoration), summons spells that last up to ten times the previous length and level with you, and huge improvements to magicka based on birthsigns. With an intelligence of 71, my Breton has 361 magicka. Of course, your magicusing enemies are also all increased, and they have even more magicka than you do.

Fair's fair. It's a wonderful mod, in any case, and you can use sections of it without using the whole thing.