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Debate about the class

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:21 pm
by darkraven
I think that it might be interesting to have a debate about which class you would prefer to be and why; if you could really be that class in real life.We can also compare how one class would fair againist another in a one on one battle without prep time.

Cleric vs Bard
Thief vs Bard
FMT vs Kensi/Mage

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:23 pm
by fable
No offense, but this has been done repeatedly, here (and especially under the ToB forum). I suggest you check back in the database to find and continue a thread along these lines, since the site owner really doesn't want duplication threads. He says they slow boards down.

With that in mind, this thread is closed.