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Getting new Life at the Temple of Skorm

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:15 pm
by Cantard
I've read some of the posts on the age reduction exploit and I'm here to announce a bold, new way of doing it.

Step one: Start the "Trader Escort" quest.
Step two: Burn through the Darkwood until you get to the Darkwood Camp. I advise using a combo of Slow Time and Assassin Rush.
Step three: Allow your escorted traders to rest at the Darkwood Camp. When they have all spoken to a vendor continue to the Temple of Skorm.
Step four: Wait until a moment before midnight (the middle of the night side).
Step five: Sacrific two of your three followers to the Temple Priest.
Step six: Hero Save.
Step seven: Smoke the last trader.
Step eight: The quest has now ended. Reload Hero Save. And repeat.

Explanation for step four: The potency of your sacrifices wax and wane with the time of day. For example: Dusk: 1% gain < Midnight 100% gain > Dawn 1% gain. The Temple of Avo is the flip side of this.

Note: The effectiveness of each sacrific is effected by your alignment. Full Good yeilds the most effect, Full Evil yeilds the least. So I'd advise going down to the grey house to build up your goodlyness before you start the process.

Skorms Bow and Age Reduction: I was near full good when I did this trick and managed to score both Skorms Bow and the Age Reduction by only sacrificing two merchants.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:29 pm
by Cantard
Note: When midnight rolls around a voice will say "Lights out you horrible lot"

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:51 pm
by Cantard
Final Note:
For best results: rebuild your good level after each attempt. Near full good I got both rewards. After three repeats I continued to get Skorms Bow but not the Age Reduction. I surmise that my evil level was to great to allow the gift with just two merchants. Saddly, after these three attempts my horns after obvious and I have flies...but no mist. Gonna spend some time at the grey house and rebuild my good level.

On a side of this Final Note, you don't get to keep Skorms Bow using this process. Each time you fail the quest you lose the bow. So the only way to keep Skorms Bow is to use the usual method (march villagers or henchmen up)