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Ranger's Racial Foes

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:07 am
by Bladesong
I'm having a problem with my ranger at level 5. On the 2nd racial enemy selected, the box pops up with the races to choose from, and after picking one a +2 bonus appears under it. However, the game does not allow me to proceed with the rest of the leveling up proceedure, as if something else needs to be done. I've clicked on every box possible, pushed about every key I can think of...what am I missing here? Duh...clueless.....

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:21 am
by Lord Plothos
I think the problem is you're not increasing to +4. The ranger gets a second favored enemy and then increases one of them to +4 at level 5.

Please post your question just once.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 4:44 pm
by Bladesong
Understand the basics, need specifics

Hi, sorry for the double posting. My first time on a forum, and I didn't quite understand it at first. As to the ranger racial foe problem, I understand the basic idea. At level 5, the ranger gets a 2nd racial foe, with one of them being +4. My question is, how do you set one for a +4? The screen does not allow me to proceed after selecting my second foe. I have no option available to select one of the 2 for a +4 bonus. Underneath the new foe selected, it simple reads "bonus, +2". I am unable to change this bonus in any way, even if I select the same foe I initially did at level 1, nor can I go to any other screen, other than exiting from the level up sequence. I've tried the enter key, the + key, various number keys, clicking on the racial foe, clicking on the bonus +2 section, etc. Nothing seems to make a difference. Is this a bug in the program, or is there something I'm missing? Please advise, and thanks for the previous answer, I guess I just wasn't specific enough in stating my problem....Bladesong

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 7:55 am
by Lord Plothos
Well, in my game, after you pick your second favored enemy, there are two boxes with the enemy's names in them. Beneath those are two boses with +2's in them. Beside those are two blue buttons with pluses in them. Click one of those blue buttons and the +2 will increas to +4.

If you don't have the buttons, something's wrong, and we need to start thinking about your patches. What patches/mods are you running, if any?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 4:07 pm
by Bladesong
Single box only

Yeah, that sounds like it must be the problem. I only have one (1) box, listing the current selection only. I have installed, in order, patches 1, 2, and 3. Has anyone else had this same problem? I could always change class, but would prefer not to. If I change to fighter, does the character then have the THAC0 of a level 5 fighter, or does his THAC0 remain the same until his fighter level exceeds his ranger level? Saving throws also? Just preparing myself for worst cases scenario...Bladesong By the way, thanks for the quick replies. 'Tis truly appreciated.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 4:49 pm
by Bladesong
still no blue box

Hi again. Just uninstalled and then reinstalled Temple, this time using no patches. When I tried leveling up the character, still had the same problem. One box only for racial enemy, no blue button. I'm wondering if my selecting Archery specialization for the character at an earlier level had anything to do with it? Suggestions?...Bladesong

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 6:33 pm
by Lord Plothos
I do recall this being mentioned before, but I don't know what the solution was, if any. Out of curiosity, what version of the game do you have: box, jewel case, or download?

First off, if after you reinstalled you used the old save, that might mess things up. Try reinstalling and using the most stable patch configuration I know of: patch 2 and then (Details below)

Afterwards, start a new game and use the console to level up a ranger to level 5 real quick. (BTW, my test run just now had an archery-based ranger, so that's not the issue).

There is no THAC0 in 3.5. Rather, you have a + to your to-hit roll. This is increased by an amount given by the line of the table for the class level you just took. The first level of cleric gives you no plus to your to-hit, so taking your first level of cleric, no matter when you take it, will not boost your to-hit. But fighters and rangers both get +1 for every level, so any combination of ranger and fighter levels will give you a + equal to your total levels. Saving throws work in a similar way. Depending on your class and level, you might get a boost to one or more saves.

See here for more info on what each level specifically gets you:

The only major downside to going fighter is you generally want heavier armor as a fighter, and if you wear medium or heavy armor you lose your ranger combat abilities (in your case, your archery feats). details:

1. Unzip the patch. (Double click the folder you downloaded and choose the extract all files option in the corner of the window (XP))
2. Find the file in you GAME'S directory called "temple.dll" and remove it. (Put it somewhere you can find it again.)
3. Take the "temple.dll" file from the unzipped patch folder and put it where the original file was.
4. Inside the patch folder should be a folder called "data". Inside that folder should be three new folders. Take all of them and put them into the game's "data" folder.