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Char building
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 8:36 am
by Xtreme_monster
Hi all
i am thinking on makeing a new char cuz i am haveing problems cuz i customized my major skills to fit a thief and then i got lvled up way to fast so now i am getting killed by a clanfear in 3 hits...
but i think what would be a good build for a char? i am thinking on a char with heavy suit and useing blade for combat and some thief alchemy skills in the side for my char.. but i think i will put the skills like this:
Argonian (i like water breath and the posion things)
Atronach (magic absorb and xtra mana)
Favored attributes:
Major skills:
What you think will this work??? i mean i think the major is controlable and luck is hard to get up so a little xtra boost in that wont hurt? the race and birthsign what you think about that? ia m just wondering what others might play as so if you will wrtie that i will be gratefull
beforehand thank you
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 9:00 am
by ektoplasma
Atronach is a killer birthsign, you'll absorb(which is like resisting them!) HALF of every magical attack against you, and lots of creatures use magic... I'm even using it for my non magic user character, which i think is more suiting, because i dont rely on magic, but still have enough mana to cast some big spells. If you use magic constantly i wouldnt recommened Atronach though, because you have to replenish you magic all the time by potions or stones and whatnot, although there are lots, it just becomes tedious. Especially if you want to "train" a skill with by casting low lvl spell over and over again.
Speechcraft is something I use all the time, to get better prices and reactions, but it's no good as a major, just because u'll probably want to use it.. all the time. But knowing it will get you to lvl up, you wont use it as much...
It's the same with Alchemy... When I had Alchemy as a Major I felt rather restricted, and only used it when I NEEDED a new posion or something, and hade tons and tons of unused ingridients, because if you use it all the time you lvl way to fast, and only in achemy. It works better, IMO, to have it as a minor and make potion whenever you can, (just mix foods for fatigue potions) and it will reach high stats quick, and u get int multiplier, but wont have to worry about you own lvl.
Good luck!
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 12:29 pm
by Maccyn
I like Argonians too. I'm playing one with Thief as birthsign, Mage as class, and playing through Thieves Guild first. I like it this way, building a good base in stealth, security, blade and armours without levelling up quickly, and I can always use spells to get me out of trouble.
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 5:48 pm
by Fljotsdale
[QUOTE=Xtreme_monster]Hi all
i am thinking on makeing a new char cuz i am haveing problems cuz i customized my major skills to fit a thief and then i got lvled up way to fast so now i am getting killed by a clanfear in 3 hits...
but i think what would be a good build for a char? i am thinking on a char with heavy suit and useing blade for combat and some thief alchemy skills in the side for my char.. but i think i will put the skills like this:
Argonian (i like water breath and the posion things)
Atronach (magic absorb and xtra mana)
Favored attributes:
Major skills:
What you think will this work??? i mean i think the major is controlable and luck is hard to get up so a little xtra boost in that wont hurt? the race and birthsign what you think about that? ia m just wondering what others might play as so if you will wrtie that i will be gratefull
beforehand thank you[/QUOTE]
Personally, I don't like the Atronach Birthsign. Too much trouble to replenish mana - you are constantly running around looking for stuff to make potions to replenish it, or raiding Ayleid ruins for Welkynd stones... meh.
The skills I've highlighted are probably not a good idea as Major Skills - especially Acrobatics! They will put your level up far too quickly, without giving you any defensive skills and skill bonuses at all. I would advise including a Weapon Skill and an Armour Skill - Light Armour if you intend to a lot of sneaking about.
If you want more Luck, why not go for the Thief Birthsign? You get +10 to Luck, Agility, and - I think - Speed. If you want more Magica, try the Mage Birthsign.
Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:01 am
by Xtreme_monster
well i toke astronach because of the absorb as one said it is a killer sign... it really helped out a lot, i did make it, with the skills as i put on... my experiance is that i lvled up to quickly because of the armor/blade skills... i havent lvled up fast i am still running lvl 4 and i have completed the fighters guild and i have started on the mages guild... it really rules, but i have found one thing i might wanted to cahgne that is the alchemy... you do use it more than i thought, but i cant find any problems with marchantile or the others... marchantile really takes long time to get up anyway, speachcraft is the same, acrobatic can be handled with if you dont bunnyjump all the time then it is no big deal... so i can really recommend this setting... but change the alchemy
Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:25 am
by The Balance
I would discourage the choice of the atronach birthsign if you'd like a character who use magics as replenish the magika will become a fearful nuisance! I would indeed suggest "The Mage" as birthsign of a mage as it offers better defences than "the apprentice".
Moreover, even if i like argonians, i remind you that you'll find a lot of equipments enchanted with waterbreathing such as rings or amulets.
Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:03 am
by Amran_X_Kaiser
You can get a water-breathing ring very early on and for a rather easy quest so Argonian isn't necessary. Not to count the spells, enchanting items with the same ability also.
The Atronach is a difficult birth-sign to manage, the regeneration of magicka in Oblivion is very good especially with high Willpower.
The benefits of The Atronach is the magicka it brings - I recently viewed a spell that required 643 magicka to use - even though the maximum magicka a character can recieve is 450 based on intelligence and birthsign (no equipment buffing of attributes)
If you want powerful spellcasting ability The Atronach is a good choice - but if you miss the target, accidentally cast the wrong spell or need magicka in a hurry without potions handy - you will be in trouble.
Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:11 pm
by Xtreme_monster
ya until now i have had no problems with mana.. i dont use a lot of potions i simply go to the church... gives me full mana every time so it aint the big problem... i can see what you mean about me takeing the argonian race... i quess i toke him becouse he is so cute
but then again if you want the resist abbilities then you would want to have it on all the time... then it is nice not to worry about changeing rings all the time... but a good idear to take another than argonian maybe an altmer... i dont know
Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:05 am
by UncleScratchy
Atronach should work out fine once you get trained up a bit in alchemy. I wouldn't want to rely on the absorb magicka feature to keep your magicka up though. Homemade Restore Magicka potions are easy to make and work differently from the pre-made ones. Pre-made restore a fixed amount of magicka all in one shot (50, 75 and 100 points) whereas the homemade ones restore a smaller amount of magicka points over a time span. This is a very nice feature as the better you get at alchemy the better are the potions. For example you can make a potion that retores 23 magicka points over 70 seconds and weighs less than a pre-made (which are almost always 0.5 lbs). Drink one of these homemades and you can't cast magic fast enough to keep your magicka bar from being maxed out. Most of the ingredients can be filtched, found, harvested or bought very cheaply and the a novice set of alchemy gear is free when you join the mages guild. Also there is one particular daedric shrine quest where you wipe out a group of necromancers that gives you all the pre-made superior restore magicka potions you can carry - perhaps more (I have well ove 100 of these pre-made potions stored in one of my houses). There are scads of welkynd stones lying about that can be scavanged from ruins and I believe you can recharge once a day at a temple as long as your fame outweighs your infamy.
Thief birthsign is what I have now on my Khajiit acrobat. The disappointing thing with this is that the bonus disappear once you max out Agility, Speed and, if you're that fortunate, Luck. The only bonus my char gets from this birthsign now is on Luck. Atronach's bonus will be with you char throughout the game regardless what you max out in. Hopes this helps.