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Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2001 7:51 am
by NeKr0mAnCeR
the new RPG from blizzard (World of Warcraft,lets see if this one is really a rpg) looks really good, in the near (or far) future GB should forum for it.

[ 09-17-2001: Message edited by: NeKr0mAnCeR ]

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2001 12:50 am
by Kayless
I would love to see a WoW forum. I brought up the issue of a Warcraft III forum but Buck feels that Game Banshee would be hamstringed by trying to cover a game in the middle of a series, not to mention the tons of other sites devoted purely to Warcraft. Maybe the fact that World of Warcraft is a MMORPG changes things a bit, but I still doubt Buck will add a WoW page.