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Advantage becomes disadvantage

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:24 am
by Taki
Never before was I that occupied by a game before. IWD 2 is for me by far the best game ever. I've played BGII too. But after finishing those games a couple of times, I want something new (don't like the graphics of planescape). Thing is, that I haven't found something that looks a bit like IWD 2. The spells, the playabe 2D environment (really hate 3D RPG's. Just like RTS: after Yuri's revenge is was over for me), it's all so beautiful!

Are there any games like this? I know the infinity engine isn't uses elsewhere (except from BG and torment).

Are there any cool (2D!!!) alternatives that are worth trying? With comparable graphics, gameplay, spells, profoundness etc etc,?


Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:42 am
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=Taki]Never before was I that occupied by a game before. IWD 2 is for me by far the best game ever. I've played BGII too. But after finishing those games a couple of times, I want something new (don't like the graphics of planescape). Thing is, that I haven't found something that looks a bit like IWD 2. The spells, the playabe 2D environment (really hate 3D RPG's. Just like RTS: after Yuri's revenge is was over for me), it's all so beautiful!

Are there any games like this? I know the infinity engine isn't uses elsewhere (except from BG and torment).

Are there any cool (2D!!!) alternatives that are worth trying? With comparable graphics, gameplay, spells, profoundness etc etc,?


...IWD*1*?!! ;)


Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:06 pm
by kmonster
You can try ToEE if you like turn-based combat.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 11:45 am
by Da_venom
Fallout :d