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Noob needs help with Vampire Cure quest.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 8:31 pm
by gymscat
My character is a Crusader Level 13 and I've become a vampire. I've gotten as far as talking to Melisande who needs me to go get 5 Greater Soul Gems as the first part of my cure of being a vampire. However, no one will talk to me because I'm a vampire so I can't sell any of my loot to get enough money to buy the Greater Soul Gems from a Mages Guild or whereever. Any hints on how I can get through this situation while having to move around only at night?
Tia for any help.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:27 pm
by Pillage
This thread contains spoilers, read the sticky titled "HEY YOU"

Anyway, spoilers:
You can steal the Grand Soul Gems from various Mages' Guilds. Look for them in display cases. Also look in stores that sell them. Take advantage of that boost to sneak! Also, try feeding, if you haven't. Just activate a sleeping person to feed, it'll take away some of the more adverse effects for a short time.
Hope that helped.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 12:39 am
by UncleScratchy
You need to feed! Drink the blood of some unwitting sleeping person. This will return you to normal for approximately 24 hours during which time you can romp in the sun and talk to people - especially merchants. There may still be a few (probably mages) that will recognize you as a vampire but most should treat you as normal. Feeding doesn't kill the person nor do they remember anything. When my char was going thru this phase he drank the blood of fellow mages, guards (especially the corrupt captains), homeless beggars, and even bandits that I found asleep. Just save before you do it in case they wake up.