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Baldurs Gate2 + ToB (dont read if you havent finished them both)

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2001 1:29 pm
by Kheruldin
Can a game be better than BG? I can hardly believe that. Outstanding music, extremly nice playingfeeling, the best actors and so much more. I really enjoy to play it throu it time after time. I have played it with only spellcasters, quite hard but still a nice challenge. I have completed it as warrior, thief, monk and a lot of different classes. And still does it feels like its a almost a new game each time. There has been alot of hard times when i have reloaded,reloaded and reloaded cause the d*** monster are to hard. The hardest fight a have fighted was in SoA not the final battle with Irenicus, that was quite easy only if you had summoned some creatures who helped you. Kangaxx was not the hardest fight either, when you have realised that oyu can transform to a slayer and be immune to his Imprisonment (I guess i have spelt that word wrong but i guess that you understand me) I think i cant say which fight was the hardest in SoA, cause there where quite a lot of them. These Beholders was very anyoing if you hadnt cloak of reflection. They killed me quite a lot of times and made me crazy. The same did the ilithids and the mind flayers. Drained all my inteligens, can it be more anyoing to get killed cause your warriors dont have any intelligens left?
But i guess if it would be to easy would it not be so funny. The dragons in SoA was quite easy when you knew how to defeat them. Some lower resistant and then just hit him with magic and then he is dead. Sometimes i killed them without being hurt. The dragons in ToB was much harder, especially Abazigall. He gave me 150 in dammage and THAT was anyoing! And then you couldnt cast spells close to him so you couldnt hurt him without weapons. He was the only of the Baahlspawn which was hard to kill. Balthazar who should be the hardest did i kill within a minute. Sendai was quite hard with all her statues but if you have a plan to stop all the drows who enters the lair all the time will you not have any problem.

The Demogorgon was a really tough fight for me. It took realy long time to realise how i should kill him. And whilst he keeps on summon his creatures was it quite hard not to die. When i writes this cant i remember how i killed him but i did can i ensure you of... :) But if you want exp. can you easy get it whilst you fight him. You get like 10000 for each demon he summon and he summons a lot if you cant kill him quick.

Watchers keep as total really nice. There was some tricky parts (and some parts i missed totally cause i missed clues) and some was quite easy. But i can say i got some help from [url=""][/url] the best guide ever i guess.
One of the best thing in the game is the actors. The speech is so very good!! i love it. The best frase does Minsc have in the last encounter with Irenicus when you shoots "Evil meet my sword, Sword meet evil!!!!" Oh! i love that! (Im not really sure if its tha the shoots but quite similar) So i think the actors shall have some profit for the game (and i guess that got)

One thing that gave ToB "-" is that the characters can be to powerful. I play as assasin now and he can for a short while make his attack as backstabbingattacks. So if i hit i make between 120-200 in damage. So i can almost kill a dragon with one hit.
All classes can be really powerful but i guess they tries to match the monsters power so it wouldnt be to hard.

If you need to get healed quickly can i a trick. You buy Obsidian loun stone from the merchant you save from Yaga-Shuras warriors after that you left Saradush. This stone will increase your Con. and if you place it on your head and removes it and keep on doing that will you be healed totally. It does not work for all NPC but for some of them and that helps a lot in fights can i say.

But whatever. This game is the best i have played ever. And i guess it will take a long time before any game can match its standard.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2001 2:00 pm
by beaver_cheese

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2001 2:02 pm
by cheesemage
yes bg is a good game

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2001 2:25 pm
by KaaZe
I totally agree with you. BGII is the best game I have ever played. I waited along time for a game that would make me play as much as I did when Master Of Magic came out(A really old game from Orion if I remember correctly, 1992 I think.). And your right when you say that every time you start (well... after the first dungeon) its a different game. I have only gone through with one party and me as a Barbarian. Now im gonna try a Bounty Hunter/Fighter, Dualclass is something I want to try.
And I have just picked up BGI + Tales for a great discount price, I really want to see where it all started.

Best of thanks to Bioware, no doubt they will have a tough time matching it. But I think that Neverwinther Nights is gonna be even better.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2001 11:50 pm
by Magus
I know the line you're talking about with Minsc in Hell. That cracked me up.

The coolest battle in Throne of Bhaal for me was the one with Sendai. I beat her on the first try I think, but that was one LONG battle.

As for Demogorgon...somehow I also beat him on the first try. I almost got wiped out when I found out the hard way that he's immune to Time Stop. The tide turned once I summoned up a Planetar and Sunnis, Prince of Earth. With a planetar and an elemental prince at your side, almost any battle becomes a foregone conclusion. Except when that damn Prince of Air hits your planetar with his Globe of Blades and he goes hostile...then you're screwed :D

I think the hardest battle was the one with Draconis. Believe it or not, Draconis was much harder than his vaunted father, Abizigal. For one, his transformation negated all of my summoned creatures. That sucked. He kicked my ass at least three times before I brought him down.

The funny thing is that more often than not it's wasn't the big bosses that brought me down, but the everyday baddies and random encounters! Preparation is everything in BG2, and underestimating your opponent can be the last mistake you'll ever make.

Well, there's my BG2 rant for today. Have a nice day.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 9:38 am
by beaver_cheese
I concur about Draconis. I actually had to reload a couple of times (didn't like the fact that he killed Minsc). And there's the damn fact that he goes invisible so often. Grrr...

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 10:01 am
by Kheruldin
Yes Draconis is really anyoing when he goes invisible all the time. But i used myself as a thief and placed out as many traps as i could and lured him towards them and after that was he near death and it was quite easy to dispatch him after that... :)

Demogorgon and time stop is as you say a real suicide. I got really surprised when he kept on hiting my warriors and killed them even if my magicians had cast that spell.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 2:45 pm
by Magus
Yes, the invisibility thing...
I had four mages, so you can imagine how annoying it was getting my best spells cancelled every time he went invisible. I think True Sight should negate any invisibility spell INSTANTLY. At least, it would save me a lot of trouble that way... :D :D :D

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 2:58 pm
by Kheruldin
Yes he will be visible at once with true sight. I had Keldorn in my party so he could cast true sight whenever so it made it much easier.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 6:26 pm
by Magus
But not before you lose any spells that were being cast at him...

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2001 1:12 am
by Xyx
Improved Invisibility is one of the better anti-Mage spells... Their scripts cannot deal with it and nearly always target the nearest PC (which makes it cheesy, of course). Cast it on your tank (never a bad idea anyway because of the massive save and AC bonuses) and run him up to a spellcaster. They'll just stand there cancelling their spells.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2001 3:11 am
by Kheruldin
When i killed Draconis did not use any magic, just my 2 warriors, some Fallen Devas and some other summoned creatures. So i didnt waste any spells on him... :)

And about the Improved invisible-thing have never tested, or thought about. Thanks for that idea, will try it tonight... :)

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2001 12:25 pm
by humanflyz
I have to say that the summonings in ToB is probably the best summons in the entire game. They are just so cool!!!! I just let my Planetar cast Blade Barrier and then just go up to the boss and hack away.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2001 7:09 pm
by Magus
"When Tiax rules, britches won't ride up so wedge-like."

Sorry. Just had to say that. :D

Anyway, if you cast invisibility on any of your characters, any bad guy worth his hide will immediately cast true sight. There goes that plan...

And yes, summoned monsters are EXTREMELY powerful in TOB. I don't think I could have survived a number of battles without them. (I had 3 mages, 1 mage/cleric, 1 ranger, and 1 fighter/druid) Not very overwhelming in the brute force department. Without planetars and elemental princes I would have had my ass hung up to dry by Draconis, Demogorgon, Melissan...and the list goes on. And not just once. But INDEFINITELY. I know of no other way to beat those bastards without resorting to cheating.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2001 5:16 am
by Kheruldin
i also tried to play with only magicians once... i couldnt surive even if i summoned as many creatures as i could. In Watchers Keep is it places where you couldnt cast spells. So my whole where slaughtered all the time so i gave up that. BUt it would be really cool if i could made it. But i have to say that i imported my characters from SoA so they was not so high ranked. But whatever. I will maybe make a new attempt to wipe eveything out with my spellcasters.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2001 7:04 am
by Tharan
Yea I agree with Magus, the only monster that gave my any trouble was Draconis, but then he went down on the first try. Really though BG1 still is the best game I think. BG2 is cool but ToB is too short I think.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2001 8:11 am
by Daniel
Baldur's Gate: best game of 1998
Baldurs Gate 2: game of the year 2000
BG Saga: best game-saga ever.

I love the game!ts the best one I have ever played! It gives me a feeling of nostalgia... to be honest... I don't got any words for it...

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2001 10:00 am
by Magus
I've played BG1 through twice, and I'm on my way through my second time through BG2 (after beating both BG2 and Throne of Bhaal) However, I think once is enough through BG1. There was just not enough variety. But then again, I NEVER replay RPG's. I'm very thorough my first time through, so there's never anything new. So, even BG1 was top quality in my mind to warrant a second time through.
Playing through BG2 again, I'm definitely not as irritated by repetition as in BG1. I'm not enjoying myself as much as my first time through, but that's a given. There's just so many more choices in BG2, as opposed to BG1.
As for Throne of Bhaal, keep in mind, Tharan, that its just an expansion. Compare it to Tales of the Swords Coast, which really wasn't all that bad, and you'll see the HUGE difference. As a game in itself, it is rather short. But for an expansion, it's leagues ahead of the competition. And it was priced as an expansion, not a full game ($30 U.S. instead of $50 U.S.) For addictiveness and immersion, it blew even BG2 out of the water IMO. I spent a week nonstop playing it. It was awesome.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2001 11:15 am
by Bishibosh
i also thought that TOB was sort of short, but compaired to most expansions it was about average lengh. Plus i also spent about a week non stop playing it, so thats probably why i finished so fast :D

Anyway... i think i'm going to go strait through and start a char in bg1 and play him all the way through to TOB (mainly because i wanna get the Big Metal Unit )

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2001 11:38 am
by Kheruldin
I have also thought about this metal armor but i wont play throu bg1 casue it will take to long time. But it would be really cool to have the metal armor.

And i the length of ToB is kinda short but i guess its what you all say that its cause we play for non-stop.

Btw is Mazzy good? I have started a new game and i have never had Mazzy. Is she anything to have? Im Druid now, havenever been that, so i need a good fighter beside Minsc. Then i have Aerie, Yoshimo and at this time Jaheria and Nalia even if i shall change them both to Edwin and the fighter.