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Grand soul gems locations

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 7:21 pm
by Rustin Parr
I became a vampire at level 4 and after hours of wandering around in the dark and hiding from the light I need some help. Can anyone give me the locations of the ruins that have grand soul jems hidden in them. Ive visited the mage guilds but the people are only offering spells to sell, if they want to sell at all.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 6:05 pm
by Julien0012
Grand Soul Gems

1.dungeon of Miscarcand(to the west of skingrad)
2.Squardered Mine(next to draklowe)
3.Imperial Market-i forget which vendor though
4.Leyawjjn(mages guild)
5.Bravil(mages guild)

You could always find one and duplicate it though( :