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Please Help: Need a Divorce
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 9:53 am
by snoopyofour
Seriously, I hate my wife in Oakvale. Somewhere along the way she decided she wanted to run away with the bartender and has told me so every single time I've seen her. I want the tramp out of my house but without being a killer. I would take her out of town and get a balverine or something to kill her but she hates me so much she won't even follow me anymore. I've given her presents and everything and nothing works. Someone tell me how to end this, I don't want bards constantly mentioning how I killed my wife.
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:05 am
by DesR85
To be safe, I'd advice you to do expressions that are deemed rude by most people in Fable such as the Vulgar Crotch Thrust, Crotch grab, etc. for example. Keep doing them until she decides to divorce you.
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:10 am
by snoopyofour
But I can't divorce her? Does that seem a little sexist to anyone else?
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 2:25 pm
by Project-404
That's life!
Even though I never tried devorcing I think I know a method wich I used before to get rid of unwated people...
So here it is, a bit tricky though: Pull your weapon out in front of the guards, then refuse to pay the fee, they'll attack you. Next run to the house where she is located and make her stand between the Guard and you... It doesn't always work, but if it does you'll have your hands clean and you'll just have to use your 'sorry' emote to stop the guards attacking.
Another thing I am thinking of but of wich I'm completly not sure if it works:
Find an enemy that can kill a villager but isn't all too nasty, use turncoat to get him on your side, get him to you wife and wait until the spell wears off, then make her stand between you and him...
I'm not sure if this works because I have little experience with the spell, duthermore I'm not sure if the Guards won't butcher the fiend before you even get him to her.
But anyway, that's what I'd try even though I never tried it.
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 5:50 pm
by Piff
Any one of these can work.
A) Get her to follow you out to the wilderness and abandon her there. Problem solved. The ol' nag gets whats commin to her and you dont have to deal with her anymore. Its understood that she is dead and you can get a new wife.
a. If your wife refuses to follow you, just get her loaded on beer and then she'll follow you like a stray dog.
B) Get the gaurds to start attacking you. Run home and make sure they pull out thier crossbow. Dodge (while infront of your wife) right at the second they let their arrows fly and it should be able to kill her, and you're not the one who killed her.
C) Kill her yourself. Its just a little evil, then leave town and in a few minutes your bounty should go down. Just kill some undeads or bandits and you should get your good back up easily.
Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 6:29 am
by perry
[QUOTE=snoopyofour]Seriously, I hate my wife in Oakvale. Somewhere along the way she decided she wanted to run away with the bartender and has told me so every single time I've seen her. I want the tramp out of my house but without being a killer. I would take her out of town and get a balverine or something to kill her but she hates me so much she won't even follow me anymore. I've given her presents and everything and nothing works. Someone tell me how to end this, I don't want bards constantly mentioning how I killed my wife.[/QUOTE]
just hit her a cople of times (with your hands) and she wil divorce!
Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 2:59 pm
by orist_fhist
First Just hitting her doesn't cause a divorse she just gets a little angry and says she won't take it i tried and beat the crap out of her and nothing
not sure if this will work but try locking on to her and summon a creature it might attack her for you it might not but it is worth a try
or kill the nag and don't listen to the bards i did
Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 5:12 pm
by Turkey Chaser
try hitting her,healing her,hitting,healing,farting,burping,etc until she divorces you.
the bard also sings about your divorce so keep that in mind.
Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 3:50 pm
by Project-404
I recently came up with this:
If she tends to like the barkeeper more then you then she has certainly forgot that you are a Hero.
As a Hero you have a power in your disposal wich greatly surpasses the one of the barkeeper, not only your fysical preformance is better but you are also on a higher level of intellect meaning you can manipulate the victim (in this case the bartender) without him knowing it!
I suggest this simple plan: Wait until midnight when most of the villagers are gone to bed, the next step will include having the bartender following you to a desolate location where you can dispatch of him. Should he refuse to co-operate you should employ alcochol to lower the intellectual preformance of his mind and make him even easier to manipulate wich will decrease the difficulty of the plan.
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 2:37 am
by Skorm_himself
simple : hit her with your fists couple of times . she doesnt die for it and she'l divorce you
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 2:24 am
by matthewd
thats how i did it
Hit Beat here up man thats the way
Dont heal here couze then she will be thinking ur nice
dont hit to much or u will knock her to oblivian
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:49 pm
by ChickenChaser
the best way is tu get the guards pissed at yu (this is fer bowerstone) then while ther pissed go to bar n get the hench man/body guard run to your house since you didnt pay ur fine your wife will be in red get ur hench up close to her n hel attack her you didnt kill her so you wont get evel then just apologize tu guards if that doesent work go 2 quay then come back thel ask for the money again so you pay him problem solved
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 4:11 pm
by InvalidSoul
okay actually that is a crap way the best way is to hit her once when no guard is looking then do like middle finger crouch grab the vulgar dance and all that then hit her again make sure no guard is looking thoe then do you dances and all the stuff for a bit then if she hasn't divorced you hit her finger her and walk away to a tavern or somthing get another girl make sure she is in sight and get her
(BTW don't hit her with weapons and if you don't want another wife she should divorce you by now)
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 5:57 pm
by matthewd
U could try to get a few number of spouses to i noticed that worked... Especialy in front of her nose, this will resolve a clean divorce without any evil points...
Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:31 pm
by Anakin7865
All I did is keep on hitting my wife till she fell (BowerStone) then the next moment she got up i hit her again until she said that she'd had it and bam! a screen appeared and said "Your Wife has Divorced You" It also said she was renting my house so all i did was get my house and sell it