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Rediculous things. (Possible Spoiler)

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 3:11 pm
by Project-404

I have a really rediculous problem, if anyone has encountered this before or has any ideas about it, please tell them.
Here it is:
I once again played through Fable: TLC and wished to start again (I just love the game, especially the beginning), but this time, I decided to keep my previous account rather then deleting it...
So I made a new account without deleting the old one. I finished my training and visited Bowerstone South, as I was running around and hearing people call me 'Chicken Chaser' I suddenly heard: 'Must be trough, your alive and Jack has been beaten!" and, "Theresa owns her life to you!".
You can imagine how stunned I was, is there absolutly anything I can do to get rid of this? Because having the feeling that you walk in a town wich is full of people that look in the far feature isn't nice at all.
Secondly I noticed a shocking detail in the manual, I have TLC so it's probably not that way in the original Fable.
Just go to page V (5) where they've placed a screenshot of the game to explain your on-game-screen-icons (you know, such as the mini-map, health and mana bars, hotkeys/ etc.). Well... Your standing near the Knothole Glade Chief during the 'White Balverine' quest (you can see the Golden Fable Icon on the mini-map and the White Balverine itself in front of you, actually inside Knothole Glade). And now look at the weapon your wielding... It's the Tear of Avo!!! Your supposed to be able to aquire that only AFTER you've beaten Jack of blades! So what they actually did while testing the game was some sort of CHEATING... Wich doesn't make any sense at all since they're the game creators themselves! Does anyone have an explanation for this?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 5:01 pm
by Turkey Chaser
there is this test movie you can download that at some point shows the hero in "the ship of the drowned" quest and he has the whole dark plate armour including the helmet and the sword you get in the silver key DOOR.
so yeah basicly its just to test the game if the weapons work,the armour,etc
instead of having to play the whole game trying to get them.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 5:02 pm
by ch85us2001
Project-404 wrote:Hello.

I have a really rediculous problem, if anyone has encountered this before or has any ideas about it, please tell them.
Here it is:
I once again played through Fable: TLC and wished to start again (I just love the game, especially the beginning), but this time, I decided to keep my previous account rather then deleting it...
So I made a new account without deleting the old one. I finished my training and visited Bowerstone South, as I was running around and hearing people call me 'Chicken Chaser' I suddenly heard: 'Must be trough, your alive and Jack has been beaten!" and, "Theresa owns her life to you!".
You can imagine how stunned I was, is there absolutly anything I can do to get rid of this? Because having the feeling that you walk in a town wich is full of people that look in the far feature isn't nice at all. ;)
Heard of it, never heard of a fix
Secondly I noticed a shocking detail in the manual, I have TLC so it's probably not that way in the original Fable.
Just go to page V (5) where they've placed a screenshot of the game to explain your on-game-screen-icons (you know, such as the mini-map, health and mana bars, hotkeys/ etc.). Well... Your standing near the Knothole Glade Chief during the 'White Balverine' quest (you can see the Golden Fable Icon on the mini-map and the White Balverine itself in front of you, actually inside Knothole Glade). And now look at the weapon your wielding... It's the Tear of Avo!!! Your supposed to be able to aquire that only AFTER you've beaten Jack of blades! So what they actually did while testing the game was some sort of CHEATING... Wich doesn't make any sense at all since they're the game creators themselves! Does anyone have an explanation for this?
Probably just testing Gameplay and wanted to get it done quick. :) I've done it frequently on Morrowind Mods. :)