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Firetooth +5 crossbow bug? (possible spoil)

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 10:00 am
by Oneiron
I just finished the Marching Mountain portion of ToB. I returned to the Pocket Plane to rest up for the next bunch of killing and asked Cespenar about my equipment. He went through his routine and found the Firetooth Crossbow in my inventory (it wasn't) and the Bowstring of Gond (that wasn't in my inventory either). So now I have the Firetooth +5 crossbow, not that I'm complaining but, has anyone else experienced this? I'm keeping the crossbow but, it feels like cheating. Anyone have any opinions?

"qui custodiet ipsos custodes?"

"yes, yes i'm sure it's all a rich about your last check..."

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 10:51 am
by Pebz
Are you sure you didnt have them inside your Bag of Holding?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 12:26 pm
by Nightfire
The same happened to me at some point, though I do not quite remember when ... maybe while I was doing the preparatory quests for the battle with Yaga Shura. I definitely did not have Firetooth or the bowstring in my inventory, but Cespenar offered to upgrade it, anyway. Puzzled, I said no, and I don't think the option came up again.

Now that I do have Firetooth, Cespenar doesn't recognize it. Weird.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 12:30 pm
by Oneiron
Yes, I haven't even been to the places where I could pick the items up yet.

It's kind of like that Brisk Ice Tea commercial (the Pat Morita, Ralph Maccio, & Bruce Lee one) "Ahh, editing error in my favor." ;)

It could be a bug in the beta patch I suppose. I had to download the beta because not all of my NPCs were migrating from SoA to ToB.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2001 12:34 pm
by Oneiron
In response to Nightfire,

I'm happy to know that at least you can't get two of the crossbows +5 because of the glitch. I suppose I'll use it in good health.

BTW do you have the ToB Beta patch installed? If you do, then we have two incidences of the glitch with the Beta Patch.


Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2001 1:33 pm
by Nightfire
No, I don't have the beta patch. IIRC, it is only supposed to fix a few problems with Win2K, which I am not running.

And I'd rather like to have that +5 crossbow, thank ye so much. ;)

Personally, I can't wait to see what the Baldurdash contributors are going to come up with for ToB.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2001 5:22 pm
by fudge
YEAH! Thats exactly what happened to me!
finished marching mountain and got asked if i wanted an upgrade on my crossbow.

I said no i want to check other items that can use the bowstring... But what do you, it suddenly remembers that i dont have the bowstring. im kicking myself.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 7:44 pm
by terrylian
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Oneiron:
[QB]In response to Nightfire,

I'm happy to know that at least you can't get two of the crossbows +5 because of the glitch. I suppose I'll use it in good health.

I actually have four Firetooth +5s (more if I wanted). That Cespenar fellow kept offering to make me more for 5000 gold pieces eventhough I had already used the Bowstring of Gond and the Firetooth +4 in an earlier upgrade... an offer I just couldn't refuse.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 9:30 pm
by average joe
yeah, i had the same experience. Even after i upgraded the crossbow with the string of gond, Cespenar still offered to perform the service for me. i could get unlimited Firetooth +5 (if i wanted). i do have the beta patch by the way.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 11:06 pm
by seanthony
Nope, that's never happened to me. But here's my 2 cents worhth: TAKE the OFFER! :o ) haha