the next elder scrolls game
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:30 pm
does anybody else ever find themselves thinking of sequels to Oblivion? (dont answer no. just dont.) co i was walking around the imperial city 2day looking for quests (as you do) and was pretty interested by some of the news being told by other NPCs. One of the little things that makes Oblivion great. Stuff like news about the state of Morrowind and the Nerevar etc. Anyway heres some stuff they got me thing to: (hopefully at least one might be released some time as an expansion. i can dream can't I)
Return to Morrowind- Morrowind is once again in danger. Beseiging Nords onset House Redoran. Who can help turn the tides of battle in either direction? Lord Nerevar has gone missing on an expedition in Solthseim. Who can the people turn to in such troubled times? And who can discover what has become of their Lord? The cult of Necromancy is growing in strength on the island. Will you join them, or stop them? The Theives guild has been elimated by the Morag Tong. But now there are sturings in the underworld of Morrowind...And slavery, slavery that was once abolished in Morrowind, may be making a return. Ashlander raiders have been taking captive city-dwellers as slaves....who can settle this dispute before further lives are lost?
You are a slave, just sold illegally to a new master in Morrowind. But you escaped, either by killing him or by some other means. And now a force has been let loose upon Morrowind that may save it, or destroy it. The Choice is Yours.
(or you could just play Oblivion)
other settings:
Akavir: after reading the book 'mysterious akavir' this land seemed even more fascinating than Tamriel
Argonia: set amidst the conflicts between the Empire and the Argonian Kingdom
Valenwood: the Khajit of Elsewyre have just conquered the Wood Elf realm of Valenwood. What does this have to do with you? perhaps nothing? but perhaps you might be the one to help the bosmer reclaim their kingdom, or the one to help the khajjit eradicate the trecherous elf skins once and for all. watch for guest appearance from Maiq the Liar.
Return to Morrowind- Morrowind is once again in danger. Beseiging Nords onset House Redoran. Who can help turn the tides of battle in either direction? Lord Nerevar has gone missing on an expedition in Solthseim. Who can the people turn to in such troubled times? And who can discover what has become of their Lord? The cult of Necromancy is growing in strength on the island. Will you join them, or stop them? The Theives guild has been elimated by the Morag Tong. But now there are sturings in the underworld of Morrowind...And slavery, slavery that was once abolished in Morrowind, may be making a return. Ashlander raiders have been taking captive city-dwellers as slaves....who can settle this dispute before further lives are lost?
You are a slave, just sold illegally to a new master in Morrowind. But you escaped, either by killing him or by some other means. And now a force has been let loose upon Morrowind that may save it, or destroy it. The Choice is Yours.
(or you could just play Oblivion)
other settings:
Akavir: after reading the book 'mysterious akavir' this land seemed even more fascinating than Tamriel
Argonia: set amidst the conflicts between the Empire and the Argonian Kingdom
Valenwood: the Khajit of Elsewyre have just conquered the Wood Elf realm of Valenwood. What does this have to do with you? perhaps nothing? but perhaps you might be the one to help the bosmer reclaim their kingdom, or the one to help the khajjit eradicate the trecherous elf skins once and for all. watch for guest appearance from Maiq the Liar.