Social Skills and How to fit them in? Help Needed
Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:49 am
Allright, School is out, and in my boredom, I decided to paly through whatever CRPGs I haven't done yet. So I decided to do Temple of Elemental Evil.
Now, I'm an old hand at these games, and I know D&D more or less inside out. The question I have is this: Social Skills (all five of em). Do I need them? If so, to what ranks do I really need them? And which characters can I create to get them.
Looking through the manual, I can see that only Rogues and Bards are really good spokesmen. Problem is that I loathe bards, and I'm not terribly found of pure rogues either. So far, I have four characters created, and they are
Elf Dex-Based Spiked Chain Fighter
Half-Orc Strength-Based Greatsword Barbarian (18 Con, my tank)
Human Lawful Evil Cleric of Nerull, low Str, Goodcon and excellent Wis & Cha
Dwarf Generalist Wizard, again, good con, high intel
If need be, I would remake any of those, but I'd like to keep them the way they are.
For the fifth character, I had plans of starting as a rogue with 18 Cha and getting all the dialogue skills up as high as need be, then multiclass, probably no later then Rogue three. The question is, if I get 18 Cha, do I need all three levels of rogue (plus bonuses and minus feats, that gives me a skill level of ten in all of the dialogue things but sense motive, not counting syngergies). Is taht enough? Should I take a persuasive or negotiator feat to boost it up and spare a rogue level? (I plan to be human, so I'll have a feat to burn if need be). And lastly, what do I multiclass this guy into??? I'd like a druid since I enjoy the idea of having a jackal lope along, but getting the stats will be tricky, and I'm not sure if it'll be practical, let alone the roleplay problems of a rogue/druid. Sorceror gives me a familiar which can boost a necessary skill even higher, but I dont know if I need another arcane caster with a generalist wizard.
Any advice or assisstance at all would be appreciated.
Now, I'm an old hand at these games, and I know D&D more or less inside out. The question I have is this: Social Skills (all five of em). Do I need them? If so, to what ranks do I really need them? And which characters can I create to get them.
Looking through the manual, I can see that only Rogues and Bards are really good spokesmen. Problem is that I loathe bards, and I'm not terribly found of pure rogues either. So far, I have four characters created, and they are
Elf Dex-Based Spiked Chain Fighter
Half-Orc Strength-Based Greatsword Barbarian (18 Con, my tank)
Human Lawful Evil Cleric of Nerull, low Str, Goodcon and excellent Wis & Cha
Dwarf Generalist Wizard, again, good con, high intel
If need be, I would remake any of those, but I'd like to keep them the way they are.
For the fifth character, I had plans of starting as a rogue with 18 Cha and getting all the dialogue skills up as high as need be, then multiclass, probably no later then Rogue three. The question is, if I get 18 Cha, do I need all three levels of rogue (plus bonuses and minus feats, that gives me a skill level of ten in all of the dialogue things but sense motive, not counting syngergies). Is taht enough? Should I take a persuasive or negotiator feat to boost it up and spare a rogue level? (I plan to be human, so I'll have a feat to burn if need be). And lastly, what do I multiclass this guy into??? I'd like a druid since I enjoy the idea of having a jackal lope along, but getting the stats will be tricky, and I'm not sure if it'll be practical, let alone the roleplay problems of a rogue/druid. Sorceror gives me a familiar which can boost a necessary skill even higher, but I dont know if I need another arcane caster with a generalist wizard.
Any advice or assisstance at all would be appreciated.