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Where can I find Garlic?
Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:28 pm
by Madd069
I need garlic to cure my vampirism, so....where can I find it?
Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:47 pm
by UncleScratchy
Bandit camp across the pond from the prison sewer. Come out of the prison sewers, down the pier, short swim, see the campfire, kill the 2 bandits take garlic hanging from their tents. Four possible places in IC Market district - the Merchants Inn, Feed Bag, Guilded Giraff, and the other ingredient shop at the far end of the shops. Check out the basement of Skingraad Mages guild - some hanging from rafters. Random loot in barrels, pantries, tables of guildhalls. Check out all castle dining areas, inns, mage guild and fighter guild dining areas as well as storage containers. Mages in the various guild halls that sell alchemy supplies. In Skingraad also try Falanu Hlaalu's alchemy shop - its one of the best.