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Rescuing Dandsa (possible spoiler)

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:58 am
by magicpac
Well, it's me again and I'm stuck again. I made it through the game the first time and really enjoyed it. I'm going through again as a different character and doing different quests. For the Imperial Legion quest of to rescue Dandsa, I can't find the cave (Abernanit) and I've been all over those islands southwest of Gnaar Mok. I even went all the way down to the mainland and up above Gnaar Mok and highlighted every dark spot. Which island is it supposed to be on? I spent 4 hours looking for it yesterday. Help!

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 5:17 am
by lord bajeski
hey if you are still stuck find the wooden bridge going from the gnaar mok to the island, the bridge should be east of the dock. once you come to the end of the bridge go east and it is in a swamp.