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Reinstalling MW with lotsa mods

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:12 am
by Coot
I probably have have been a little too enthusiastic installing and deleting mods and a few (or maybe a lot) annoying errors crept into my game.
I do intend, however, to use fair amount of mods again. Does anybody have any advice about reinstalling? Maybe about what mods to install first (like Better Bodies, for instance, because so many mods depend on them)? What difficulties or problems (if any) are there to avoid?

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:08 am
by Raven_Song
Necessities of Morrowind (N.O.M) is always best installed near the end.

I know it seems obvious but always check the readmes of each mod carefully, some mods change things well beyond what is implied by their title.

Where mods contain multiple esp's check as to whether you should just be installing one specifically, or all of them.

Can't think of anything else of the top of my head.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 8:48 am
by dragon wench
Once you have all of the mods you wouldn't play without installed (shops, textures, tweaks etc.), make a copy of your entire Morrowind folder. That way, if something goes wrong with any seriously game altering mods, reinstallation will be less of a hassle.

Also, [url=""]here[/url] is a very nifty little plug-in reorderer. It does require Java, but otherwise works great! (you need to scroll down to the end of the page)

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:08 am
by fable
I would recommend downloading TEStool, and using its "clean esp" and "merge lists" functions. This cleans out "evil" GMSTs, among other good things. ;) Also download Merge List Resequencer. There's one small bug in the merge lists function of TEStool that MLR fixes. Both are extremely useful tools. I'd post links, but I'm not at my regular computer. TEStool's link in in the archive here, however.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:20 am
by dragon wench
Another handy resource is [url=""]this[/url] World Grid Map. (again, scroll right down to the end of the page). With the map, when a mod readme refers to specific cells that are altered you know exactly which sections of the map have been changed. (yes, I know you can look at this in the CS, but for those of us who are 'CS Challenged' the Grid Map is easier " :D )

Be careful about using the Merge function of the Testool, it can screw up dialogue, so make sure you don't click anything that might effect dialogue.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:22 pm
by Coot
I've used TESTool before and it has indeed screwed up some dialogue stuff. Still, it's a very handy program.
The World Grid map looks very useful - I'll need Excel first to use the spreadsheet that comes with it :rolleyes:

I've reinstalled the game with about a gazillion mods - which took a long time - but so far the game seems to be running fine. A lot smoother, actually, than before.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions.