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Splitting up party temporary

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:24 am
by kmonster
Does it have any negative effect if you dismiss party members temporary ?

I'd like to send TNO XP hunting (by fighting respawning monsters) and leave the others who don't need that many XP behind.

I fear that it might hinder upcoming dialogue options or Dakkon's weapon improvement. Annah sounds really hurt if she was left temporary.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:39 pm
by Praxis
No negative effects except for a handful of "extra" dialogues you may miss if you talk to NPCs while your group member is out. Furthermore, even if you drop your party members, but they are in close proximity, they can often still participate in conversations.
This is a actually a great trick I use whenever there's a large experience point reward. Get my WIS as high as possible (Spirits and Souls) and dismiss everyone in your group except for you. You'll level ridiculously fast in comparison with just having your companions, and they way I see it, their levels don't really matter as much as yours 'cuz you got the stat point bonuses. The downside is that too much of this and you'll have really wimpy companions :)
