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A question on Conjuration

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:42 am
by Raging Angel
Hi, I have finally gotten my conjuration to lvl 100, and i was wondering since my conjuration has been at that lvl since i was level 32 have my summons leveled up too? I mean like since everything in he game levels as i do it would make sense to me that my summons to too. So if anyone has an answer it would be greatly appreciated, lol it would be awesome to know that my 60 second summon xivilai could beat the dremora dude in the oblivion gate. Thanks :cool:

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 5:45 am
by Fljotsdale
Can't you make mincemeat of Xivilai on your own at level 32+?

I have never used Conjuration (except for Conjuring up a dagger just to improve Intelligence), but I have never felt the need for a 60second assistant. :confused:

Imo - sorry, I'm not insulting you, you clearly like Conjuration :) - Conjuration is one of the most useless Magica schools there is. I mean - if an enemy Conjures critters to attack YOU, do you bother fighting the critters? No. You go straight for the Mage! And I'll bet any enemies avoid your critters and go straight for you, too. Though I don't KNOW that, of course; I'm just extrapolating from the way my char's operate. ;)

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:25 am
by Madd069
No, they actually go for your creatures. I actually think conjuring stuff is fun, but I only ish I could onjur as many creatures as I want t a time (with limited Majicka of coursE)

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:02 am
by Raging Angel
Lol ok

lol, ok. True i do usually attack the caster, and i can destroy the enemy xivilai, but i love conjuring things lol like full daedric armor for 120 seconds, and weapons and minions. On a side note the enemies generally atack whomever is closer , and my summons actually serve as excellent targets for lvling up my marksman and blade skills, lol.