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Renal different comments, dep. on race?

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 10:12 am
by Emnelion
Is it just me or have either of you people ever noticed that Renal Bloodscalp's opening frase when you first meet him, changes sometimes. He doesn't allways say the same things.

I just got there with my half-elf fighter/mage/cleric, and he said: "You'll have to excuse me if you're not quite what i was expecting. From all I've been told I expected something... grander."

But other times, and of this I'm absolutly sure, he has said: "You'll have to excuse me if I stare though you're not quite was I was expecting. From all I've been told I was expecting someone... larger."

Does this depends on race (cause I think i was a plain elf when he said the second frase) or class or what?

(Or is it just me going senile?? :eek: )

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 7:57 pm
by DaemonJ
I would imagine the programmers have a list of about 5 things that are randomly chosen as the last word.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 1:46 pm
by Rhûn
Seen both. Good str = 'grander'. Bad str = 'larger'. That's pretty much it.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 2:08 pm
by JonIrenicus
I have always had high str so I thought grander was all he said. Learn something new about BGII like every day. ;)