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Lowering the Difficulty

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:43 pm
by Berethor
Today...I lowered the difficulty to Easy for a battle. Yes, you heard me, and I am very ashamed of it. I usually play on Normal/Hard, even through battles with Kangaax and the like, but Draconis ticked me off so much. He wouldn't come out from hiding and would pick off Jan and Imoen. Mind you, I am playing after 4 months and without Keldorn :( and his True Sight. So I had to lower it to Easy just to kill that cheater.

Now, I didn't create this thread to tell you that I hate Draconis and I think he should burn in hell, I made it to ask you a question. For those of you who don't play with Tactics Mods and play on Normal or higher almost always, what battles do you have to lower the difficulty for? And if you ARE using Tactics Mods, what battles made you either turn the difficulty down or uninstall that particular mod?

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 10:09 pm
by JonIrenicus
Well I prefer having it always on hardcore because I simply love the challenge. No tactics with me though, I personally dislike that mod. But when fighting a hard battle, changing your tactics until you get it right ALWAYS works. Sometimes I enjoy 1v1 certain battles, esp dragons. Maybe I have a weird sense of honor. I am not braging or nothing though. Challenge is the fun. Other then the challenge, the other reason to use hardcore is to increase my skills and it is the only way to go, at least for me :) .

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 10:17 pm
by Pellinore
......first time I fought the mindflayers in the UD .......I had to drop to novice :o . I can do it now on core rules pretty well but that first time was killer (literally).