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Ultima IX cheats

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:47 am
by Valsav
Theres a chance that you may not be so into cheats in this forum, but I use the cheats not to complete the game in a deshonor way, but to make the game more fun... so here is the question:

I found this cheat in google and tried it and didnt work:

How to get a black rock sword and flame armour:
Delete everything under [COMBAT COMMANDS] (you will find this if you go into notepad and open default.kmp which you will find were ever you installed ultima 9) and type in ALT+SHIFT+SPACE+FI=GIVE_AVATAR_BLACKROCKSWORDANDFLAMEARMOUR and then save that and than open your save gave and your armour and sword will be replaced by the black rock sword and flame armour!

The problem is that when I run the game it comes a window that says SPACE+FI is not a recognized key. I have tried to change the I for an 1, and to change from different patches, but none of them worked.
So, Is this cheat false or there is another way to do it?

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:59 pm
by fable
I did read your post, but I'm afraid I never used cheats in the game. Have you checked on GameFAQs? That might be your best bet to finding cheats; or do a google search on "Ultima IX" and "cheats."

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:24 am
by Luis Antonio
I used a cheat on a room with a damn jump-and puzzle where I just couldnt reach the right lever no matter how hard I've tried, but it was a flight cheat, and I havent used that cheat afterwards. That part of the game annoys the hell out of me, you know. Alas, I never seen such a thing as this kind of cheats, where have you found it?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:57 pm
by Valsav
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]I used a cheat on a room with a damn jump-and puzzle where I just couldnt reach the right lever no matter how hard I've tried, but it was a flight cheat, and I havent used that cheat afterwards. That part of the game annoys the hell out of me, you know. Alas, I never seen such a thing as this kind of cheats, where have you found it?[/QUOTE]

Here Ultima 9 Cheats for the PC
or just search google for Ultima 9 flame armour

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:17 pm
by Valsav
[QUOTE=fable]I did read your post, but I'm afraid I never used cheats in the game. Have you checked on GameFAQs? That might be your best bet to finding cheats; or do a google search on "Ultima IX" and "cheats."[/QUOTE]

yes already checked that page, nothing found there :(

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:39 am
by NovaLand Dragon
I, like many others, maked detours to explore the surroundings before one enters the real (expected) path.

So did I do this time when I came to
that isle where the guardian was having a ball and was supposed to meet up with him on
a friendly cup of tea.

It ended with me walking up (or levitating I think) on the mountain side and entered the mountain without triggering something, like closing the door behind me.

The next time I came there, I didn't take the detour in the back of the mountain with all the monsters and thry that blocked path, but walked nicley up to the front door
and said hi to the guardian

This was much simpler than the expected way of completing the game ;-)