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Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:42 pm
by Keln
Is there any way to make Mira stay dark? Everytime I gain influence with her, she goes darker, then after any conversation, change of area, or sometimes events, she goes back to being lighter.

Is this a bug? She's ending up lighter now than she was to begin with, and I've done nothing but gain influence with her (I am max dark). I've noticed the handmaiden does this too to a certain extent. She will go max dark each time I do something bad, then suddenly she's only mostly DS again.

This is frustrating.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:34 pm
by Turkey Chaser
yeah its a bug.

happened to me with every one!

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:30 pm
by King-D

didnt happen to me

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:39 pm
by Kayos
do you use cheats? (this is of course assuming you use a PC)

i explained my theory in the handmaiden thread that was recently posted earlier today.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:09 pm
by Keln
Yes PC, no cheats. Apparently I should not have even had Mira? I was Dark the whole way. Originally, the wookie fella showed up, but then my game crashed, and when I reloaded it, Mira came instead.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:30 pm
by Kayos
oh? that is a new devolpment... if you were all dark then you should have hanharr as a party member instead of mira. this has all the makings of a bug but i have never heard of it or of anyone else saying anything about it. does you computer meet all the requirements? like graphics, video and whatnot? you should do a search on it. i dont think its a bug within the game but i could be wrong... i might just be your computer.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:43 pm
by Keln
I looked for this bug before, but didn't find it. My character was literally max DS by the time I got Mira. I even eventualy got the handmaiden to max DS (this would bounce up and down a little bit). Even the little robot was darkside.

My computer meets well above recommended hardware. I think that one time is the only time the game crashed, and the crash wasn't really the game's fault, it was another program I was running in the background (nothing related to the game) that crashed my whole system. When I got it all back up and relaoded KOTOR2, Mira showed up. I was able to gain alot of influence with her, and kept her Dark, but she would only get to about 2/3s of "all the way" dark. When she went past that, she'd bounce right back up again anytime I moved to another area or whatnot.

She's one wicked looking chick when she's darkside btw. I'd roll around with her and the handmaiden blasting everything with force storm. Really wanted to get mira to accept jedi training, but she never would.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:41 am
by JundlandBanshee
It might be a glitch (I've experienced similar things, chiefly with Atton and Visas), but I think it may be more a matter of influence. The fact that you can't train Mira, certainly has to do with influence. As for the changing in allignment, I had less trouble with the Handmainden who I have pretty much maxed influence with than I did with those other two. For a quick fix to get their allignment back to darker, try sending them back to the Ebon Hawk quick then have them rejoin your party.